Contract No: HK/2011/07 Wanchai
Development Phase II and Central Wanchai Bypass Sampling, Field Measurement and Testing Work (Stage 2) Environmental Permit
no. EP-122/2002/D Quarterly Environmental Monitoring
and Audit Report
- February 2014 to april
2014 -
Engineering and Development Department |
Lam Geotechnics
Limited 11/F Centre
Point 181-185 Gloucester Road, Wanchai, H.K. Telephone: (852) 2882-3939 Facsimile: (852) 2882-3331 E-mail: Website: |
Raymond Dai Environmental Team Leader |
21 May 2014 |
2.2 Scope
of the Project and Site Description
2.3 Project Organization and Contact
2.4 Principal Work and Activities
5.4. Review
of the Reasons for and the Implications of Non-compliance
5.5. Summary
of action taken in the event of and follow-up on non-compliance
6. Complaints, Notification
of Summons and Prosecution
7. Cumulative Construction
Impact due to the Concurrent Projects.
I Principal Work Activities in
the reporting period
Table 2.1 Schedule 2 Designated Projects under this Project
Table 2.2 Contact Details of Key Personnel
Table 2.3 Principal Work Activities in the reporting period
Table 3.1 Continuous Noise Monitoring Stations
Table 3.2 Air Monitoring Stations
Table 4.1 Continuous Noise Monitoring Stations for Contract no. HK/2012/08
Table 4.2 Air Monitoring Station for Contract no. HK/2012/08
Table 4.3 Details of Waste Disposal for Contract no. HK/2012/08
Table 6.1 Cumulative Statistics on Complaints
Table 6.2 Cumulative Statistics on Successful Prosecutions
2.1 Project Layout
2.2 Project Organization Chart
Figure 3.1 Locations of Environmental Monitoring Stations
Appendix 2.1 Environmental Mitigation Implementation Schedule
Appendix 3.1 Action and Limit Level
Appendix 4.1 Noise Monitoring Graphical Presentations
Appendix 4.2 Air Quality Monitoring Graphical Presentations
Appendix 5.1 Event Action Plans
6.1 Complaint Log
Appendix 8.1 Construction
Programme of Individual Contracts
Construction Activities for the
Reported Period
Contract no.
HK/2012/08 – Wan Chai Development Phase II – Central- Wan Chai Bypass at Wan
Chai West
I Principal Work Activities in the reporting
February 2014 |
March 2014 |
April 2014 |
· Site preparation works · Site survey · Culvert K diversion · Diaphragm wall preparation works · Guide wall construction |
· Site preparation works · Site survey · Culvert K diversion · Diaphragm wall construction works · Guide wall construction |
· Site preparation works · Site survey · Diaphragm wall construction works · Guide wall construction |
Noise Monitoring
Air Quality Monitoring
Complaints, Notifications of Summons
and Successful Prosecutions
Lam Geotechnics
Limited (LGL) has been appointed to work as the Environmental Team (ET) under
Environmental Permit no. EP-122/2002/D to implement the
Environmental Monitoring and Audit (EM&A) programme as stipulated in the
EM&A Manual of the approved Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Report Central Reclamation Phase III - Studies, Site Investigation, Design and
Construction (Register No.: AEIAR-040/2001) since 1 May 2013.
This report documents the finding of EM&A works for
Environmental Permit (EP) no. EP-122/2002/D, during
the period from 1st February 2014 to 30th April 2014.
1 Introduction –
details the scope and structure of the report.
2 Project
Background – summarizes background and scope of the
project, site description, project organization and contact details of key
personnel during the reporting period.
3 Monitoring
Requirements –
summarizes all monitoring parameters, monitoring locations, monitoring
frequency, duration and action
4 Monitoring
Results – summarizes the monitoring results obtained
in the reporting period.
5 Compliance
Audit – summarizes the auditing of monitoring
results, all exceedances environmental parameters.
6 Complaints, Notification of summons and Prosecution
– summarizes the cumulative statistics on complaints,
notification of summons and prosecution
7 Cumulative Construction Impact due to the
Concurrent Projects – summarizes the relevant cumulative construction
impact due to the concurrent activities of the concurrent Projects.
8 Conclusion
2.1.1 Central
Reclamation Phase III - Studies, Site Investigation, Design and Construction
(hereafter called “the Project”) are Designated Project (DP) under the
Environmental Impact Assessment Ordinance (Cap. 499) (EIAO). The Environmental
Impact Assessment (EIA) Reports for Central Reclamation Phase III - Studies,
Site Investigation, Design and Construction (Register No. AEIAR-040/2001) has
been approved on 31 August 2001.
The design and construction of Central
Reclamation Phase III involves the permanent reclamation and construction and
operation of a trunk road and its road tunnel that is shown at Figure 2.1.
The key purpose of the study area encompasses the area of Victoria Harbour to the southeast of
the new Outlying Islands Ferry Piers and north of Edinburgh Place and Lung Wui
Road. The area extends eastward to Fenwick Pier Street and the Fleet Arcade,
and includes the existing GPO, Star Ferry Piers, Queens Pier, City Hall, PLA
Headquarters, Hong Kong Red Cross Headquarters building and the Tamar Site. The scope of the Central Reclamation, Phase III includes:
and seawalls, roads and associated services, North Island Line Protection Works
and Advance Trunk Road Tunnel (ATRT) for the CWB;
of Star Ferry Pier, public landing steps, wallah wallah moorings, and motor
boat/launch operators' kiosks;
cooling water systems which consist of the cooling water pumping shells for
future developments, and the reprovisioning of existing cooling water pumping
stations and associated pipework systems and E&M works;
of existing Leisure and Cultural Services Department (LCSD)'s facilities;
of a flood relief path, stormwater culvert extensions, upgrading of hinterland
stormwater drainage resulting from the reclamation, demolition of the existing
waterfront structures and necessary landscaping;
Hong Kong Station Extended Overrun Tunnel (EOT) and associated ventilation
structures entrusted for construction within the CRIII works;
of the Government Heliport at the Wan Chai PCWA and reprovisioning of the Wan
Chai PCWA at Chai Wan Basin.
The project also contains various Schedule 2 DPs that, under the EIAO,
require Environmental Permits (EPs) to be granted by the DEP before they may be
either constructed or operated. Table 2.1 summarises the four
individual DPs under this Project. Figure 2.1 shows the locations of these
Schedule 2 DPs.
2.1 Schedule 2 Designated Projects
under this Project
Item |
Designated Project |
EIAO Reference |
Bypass (CWB) |
2, Part I, A.7 |
P2 and other roads which are classified as primary/district distributor roads
2, Part I, A.1 |
works |
2, Part I, C.1 |
DP4 |
North Island Line (NIL) Protection Works within CRIII |
2, Part I, A.7 |
The designated project work I (DP1) was
awarded to China State-Leader Joint Venture HK/2012/08 as part of the Project
works by the Civil Engineering and Development Department (CEDD). The construction work under Contract no. HK/2012/08 was commenced on 27
May 2013.
2.3.1 Civil Engineering and Development Department is the overall project controllers for the Central Reclamation Phase III Project. For
the construction phase of the Project, Project Engineer, Contractor(s),
Environmental Team and Independent Environmental Checker are appointed to
manage and control environmental issues.
proposed project organization and lines of communication with respect to
environmental protection works are shown in Figure
2.2. Key personnel and contact particulars are
summarized in Table 2.2:
Table 2.2 Contact Details of Key Personnel
Party |
Role |
Post |
Name |
Contact No. |
Contact Fax |
Representative for WDII |
Resident Engineer |
Frankie Fan |
1778 |
2587 1877 |
Representative for CWB |
Resident Engineer |
Peter Poon |
3388 |
3912 3010 |
State- Leader JV |
under Contract no. HK/2012/08 |
Project Director |
Tse |
9137 1811 |
2877 1522 |
Project Manager |
Wu |
9193 8871 |
Deputy Project Manager |
Mr. Eddie Chung |
9189 8118 |
Site Agent |
Lui |
9095 7922 |
Environmental Officer |
Ma |
9130 9549 |
Environmental Supervisor |
Mr. Y. L. Ho |
9856 5669 |
Hong Kong
Limited |
Independent Environmental
Checker (IEC) |
Independent Environmental
Checker (IEC) |
David Yeung |
2888 |
2899 |
Lam Geotechnics Limited |
Environmental Team (ET) |
Environmental Team Leader (ETL) |
Dai |
2882 3939 |
2882 3331 |
2.4.1 During this reporting period, the principle work
activities of the contract is included as follows:
Contract no. HK/2012/08 – Wan Chai Development Phase II – Central- Wan Chai
Bypass at Wan Chai West
2.3 Principal Work Activities in the
reporting period
February 2014 |
March 2014 |
April 2014 |
· Site preparation works · Site survey · Culvert K diversion · Diaphragm wall preparation works · Guide wall construction |
· Site preparation works · Site survey · Culvert K diversion · Diaphragm wall construction works · Guide wall construction |
· Site preparation works · Site survey · Diaphragm wall construction works · Guide wall construction |
2.4.2 Implementation status of the recommended mitigation
measures during this reporting period is presented in Appendix 2.1.
NOISE Monitoring Stations
The continuous noise monitoring station for the Project is listed and
shown in Table 3.1 and Figure 3.1. Appendix 3.1 shows the established Action/Limit
Levels for the monitoring works.
Table 3.1 Continuous Noise
Monitoring Stations
District |
Station |
Description |
Central |
ACL3 |
City Hall |
Noise Monitoring
Parameters, Frequency and Duration
3.1.2. Continuous
24-hour noise monitoring shall be carried out at the
designated monitoring stations. The following is an initial guide on the
regular monitoring frequency for each station on a 24 hours daily basis when
noise generating activities are underway:
set of measurements between 0700 and 1900 hours on normal weekdays.
set of measurements between 1900 and 2300 hours on normal weekdays and 0700 and
2300 hours on public holidays.
set of measurements between 2300 and 0700 hours on next day on everyday.
3.1.3. If
construction works are extended to include works during the hours of 1900 –
0700 as well as public holidays and Sundays, additional weekly impact
monitoring shall be carried out during respective restricted hours periods.
Applicable permits under NCO shall be obtained by the Contractor.
Monitoring Equipment
3.1.4. As
referred to in the Technical Memorandum ™ issued under the NCO, sound level
meters in compliance with the International Electrotechnical Commission
Publications 651: 1979 (Type 1) and 804: 1985 (Type 1) specifications shall be
used for carrying out the noise monitoring. Immediately prior to and following
each noise measurement the accuracy of the sound level meter shall be checked
using an acoustic calibrator generating a known sound pressure level at a known
frequency. Measurements may be accepted as valid only if the calibration level
from before and after the noise measurement agrees to within 1.0 dB.
3.1.5. Noise
measurements shall not be made in fog, rain, wind with a steady speed exceeding
5 m/s or wind with gusts exceeding 10 m/s. The wind speed shall be checked with
a portable wind speed meter capable of measuring the wind speed in m/s.
3.1.6. The sound
level meter shall be checked using an acoustic calibrator generating a known
sound pressure level at a known frequency before deployment to the site and
during each site visit. Measurements will be accepted as valid only if the
calibration level from before and after the noise measurement agrees to within
1.0 dB.
Air Quality Monitoring Stations
The air monitoring stations for the Project
are listed and shown in Table 3.2 and Figure 3.1. Appendix 3.1 shows the
established Action/Limit Levels for the monitoring works.
Table 3.2 Air Monitoring Stations
Station ID |
Monitoring Location |
ACL1 |
City Hall |
ACL2a |
Contractor HK/2012/08 Site Office |
Air Monitoring Parameters, Frequency and Duration
One-hour and 24-hour TSP levels should be
measured to indicate the impacts of construction dust on air quality. The
24-hour TSP levels shall be measured by following the standard high volume
sampling method as set out in the Title 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations,
Chapter 1 (Part 50), Appendix B.
All relevant data including temperature,
pressure, weather conditions, elapsed-time meter reading for the start and stop
of the sampler, identification and weight of the filter paper, and any other
local atmospheric factors affecting or affected by site conditions, etc., shall
be recorded down in detail.
For regular impact monitoring, the sampling
frequency of at least once in every six-days, shall be strictly observed at all
the monitoring stations for 24-hour TSP monitoring. For 1-hour TSP monitoring,
the sampling frequency of at least three times in every six-days should be
undertaken when the highest dust impact occurs.
Sampling Procedure and Monitoring Equipment
volume samplers (HVSs) in compliance with the following specifications shall be
used for carrying out the 1-hour and 24-hour TSP monitoring:
– 1.7 m3 per minute adjustable flow range;
with a timing / control device with +/- 5 minutes accuracy for 24 hours
with elapsed-time meter with +/- 2 minutes accuracy for 24 hours operation;
of providing a minimum exposed area of 406 cm2;
control accuracy: +/- 2.5% deviation over 24-hour sampling period;
with a shelter to protect the filter and sampler;
with an electronic mass flow rate controller or other equivalent devices;
with a flow recorder for continuous monitoring;
with a peaked roof inlet;
with a manometer;
to hold and seal the filter paper to the sampler housing at horizontal
changeable filter; and
of operating continuously for a 24-hour period.
Initial calibration of dust monitoring
equipment shall be conducted upon installation and thereafter at bi-monthly
intervals. The transfer standard shall be traceable to the internationally
recognized primary standard and be calibrated annually. The concern parties
such as IEC shall properly document the calibration data for future reference.
All the data should be converted into standard temperature and pressure
Laboratory Measurement / Analysis
A clean laboratory with constant temperature
and humidity control, and equipped with necessary measuring and conditioning
instruments to handle the dust samples collected, shall be available for sample
analysis, and equipment calibration and maintenance. The laboratory should be
HOKLAS accredited.
Filter paper of size 8” x 10” shall be
labelled before sampling. It shall be a clean filter paper with no pinholes,
and shall be conditioned in a humidity-controlled chamber for over 24-hours and
be pre-weighed before use for the sampling.
After sampling, the filter paper loaded with
dust shall be kept in a clean and tightly sealed plastic bag. The filter paper
shall then be returned to the laboratory for reconditioning in the humidity controlled
chamber followed by accurate weighing by an electronic balance with readout
down to 0.1 mg. The balance shall be regularly calibrated against a traceable
All the collected samples shall be kept in a
good condition for 6 months before disposal.
The environmental monitoring will be implemented based on the division
of works areas of each designed project managed under different contracts with
separate FEP applied by individual contractors.
Overall layout showing work areas of various contracts, latest status of
work commencement and monitoring stations is shown in Figure
2.1 and Figure 3.1. The monitoring results are
presented in according to the Individual Contract(s).
4.0.2. In the reporting period, the concurrent
contract is:
Ÿ Contract
no. HK/2012/08 – Wan Chai Development Phase II – Central – Wan Chai Bypass at
Wan Chai West.
Due to safety concerned, the location of the continuous noise monitoring
station at City Hall was finely adjusted to the roof of the City Hall, Low
Block on 1 May 2013.
The proposed division of noise monitoring stations is summarized in Table
4.1 below.
4.1 Continuous Noise Monitoring
Stations for Contract no. HK/2012/08
Location ID |
District |
Description |
ACL3 |
Central |
City Hall |
Continuous noise monitoring results and graphical presentation for ACL3 during
restricted hours and night time period are for information only.
4.1.3 There were one
limit level exceedances recorded at ACL3 - City Hall during daytime on 28 March
2014 in the reporting month. The exceedance was concluded as not
4.1.4 On 28 Mar
2014, after checking work activities of contractor HK/2012/08, it was found
that no major noisy activities were performed during the recorded period. A
public fair was carrying out at Central Harbourfront during the recorded time
of exceedance. As the exceedance was not continuous, it is considered as
non-project related and contributed by the public fair and nearby traffic.
Continuous noise monitoring results measured in this reporting period
are reviewed and summarized. Details of continuous noise monitoring results and
graphical presentation can be referred to Appendix 4.1 .
4.2.1 The
proposed division of air monitoring stations are summarized in Table 4.2 below.
Table 4.2
Monitoring Station for Contract no. HK/2012/08
Station |
Description |
ACL1 |
City Hall |
ACL2a |
Contractor HK/2012/08 Site Office |
4.2.2 Due to the
defective electricity supply found at monitoring station ACL1 and the advice
from City Hall Building Management, the air monitoring station ACL1 – City Hall
was finely adjusted on 28 Feb 2014 to an alternate electricity supply.
4.2.3 With
respect to the interruption of electricity supply on 28 Feb 2014, the 1hr TSP
monitoring at ACL1 was extended to 1 March 2014.
Due to interruption of electricity supply, the 24hr TSP was rescheduled
from 5, 11 and 17 March 2014 to 13, 15 and 18 March 2014 respectively.
Due to interruption of electricity supply, the 24hr TSP at monitoring
station ACL2a was rescheduled from 15 April 2014 to 16 April 2014.
1-hour and 24-hour Total Suspended Particulates (TSP) monitoring were
conducted at ACL1 – City Hall and ACL2 – PLA Barracks (ACL2a Contractor
HK/2012/08 Site Office since 7 December 2013) on every six days basis.
No action or limit level exceedance was recorded at ACL1 – City Hall,
ACL2 PLA Barracks and ACL2a Contractor HK/2012/08 Site Office in the reporting
Due to the large scale renovation works at People’s Liberation Army
Headquarter, a Proposal for Relocation of Air Quality Monitoring Station at
People’s Liberation Army Headquarter (ACL2) was formally submitted to EPD on
4th November, 2013.
Air Quality Monitoring at ACL2 was temporarily suspended during the
period from 14th November, 2013 to 3rd December, 2013.
The Proposal for Relocation of Air Quality Monitoring Station at
People’s Liberation Army Headquarter (ACL2) was approved by EPD on 27 November
According to the approved proposal for relocation of Air Quality
Monitoring station, the action and limit levels of ACL2a shall adopt the
reference monitoring result from the baseline air monitoring report for
EP/364/2009 in 22 April 2010 in which approved by EPD.
The air quality monitoring at ACL2a – Contractor HK/2012/08 Site Office
was commenced on 7 December 2013.
The air quality monitoring results measured
in this reporting period are reviewed and summarized. Details of air monitoring results and
graphical presentation can be referred in Appendix 4.2.
4.3.1 Only
Non-inert C&D wastes were disposed in this reporting period. Details of the
waste flow table are summarized in Table 4.3.
Table 4.3 Details of Waste Disposal for Contract no. HK/2012/08
Waste Type |
Quantity this quarter |
Cumulative Quantity-to-Date |
Disposal / Dumping Grounds |
Inert C&D materials disposed, m3 |
108 |
396 |
TM38 |
1589 |
1589 |
TKO137 |
Inert C&D materials recycled, m3 |
Non-inert C&D materials disposed, m3 |
90 |
200 |
SENT Landfill |
Non-inert C&D materials recycled, m3 |
Chemical waste disposed, kg |
5.0.1. The Event Action Plan for construction
noise and air quality are presented in Appendix 5.1.
5.1.1 There were one limit level exceedances recorded
at ACL3 – City Hall in this reporting period. The exceedances were concluded as
not project-related.
No action or limit level exceedance was recorded at ACL1 – City Hall and
ACL2a Contractor HK/2012/08 Site Office in this reporting period.
There was no non-compliance from the site audits in the reporting period. During
environmental site inspections conducted during the reporting period, minor
deficiencies were noted.
There was no non-compliance from the site audits in the reporting
There was no particular action taken since no
project-related non-compliance was recorded from the site audits and
environmental monitoring in the reporting period.
6.0.1. There was no environmental complaint
received in this reporting period.
The details of cumulative complaint log
and summary of complaints are presented in Appendix
6.0.3. No notification
of summons or prosecution was received in the reporting period. Cumulative statistic on complaints and
successful prosecutions are summarized in Table 6.1 and Table 6.2 respectively.
Table 6.1 Cumulative Statistics on Complaints
Reporting Period |
No. of Complaints |
May 2013 – January 2014 |
0 |
February 2014 – April 2014 |
0 |
Project-to-Date |
0 |
Table 6.2 Cumulative Statistics on Successful
Environmental Parameters |
Cumulative No. Brought Forward |
No. of Successful Prosecutions this quarter (Offence Date) |
Cumulative No. Project-to-Date |
Air |
- |
0 |
0 |
Noise |
- |
0 |
0 |
Water |
- |
0 |
0 |
Waste |
- |
0 |
0 |
Total |
- |
0 |
0 |
7.0.1. This
section addresses the relevant cumulative construction impact due to the
concurrent activities of the current projects including the Central Reclamation
Phase III (CRIII), Wan Chai Development Phase II (WDII), Central-WanChai Bypass
(CWB), Island Eastern Corridor Link projects (IECL) and Wan Chai Development
Phase II – Central – Wan Chai Bypass at Wan Chai East (CWB Tunnel).
According to the Final EM&A report of
Central Reclamation Phase III (CRIII) for Contract HK 12/02, the major
construction activities were completed by end of January 2014 and no
construction activities were undertaken thereafter and the water quality
monitoring was completed in October 2011.
As such, it is considered that there were no cumulative construction
impact due to the concurrent activities of the current projects with the
Central Reclamation Phase III (CRIII) undertaken by contractor HK12/02 in the
reporting month.
According to the construction programme of
Wan Chai Development Phase II, Central-Wan Chai Bypass and Island Eastern
Corridor Link projects, the major construction activity under Wan Chai
Development Phase II were marine works at HKCEC areas, cross-harbour
Watermains, Fresh Watermains and Cooling Watermains Installations, tunnel works
at Wan Chai East and filling works at Wan Chai West. The major construction
activities under Central-Wan Chai Bypass and Island Eastern Corridor Link
Projects were tunnel construction at TS4 and tunnel construction and
dismantling of struts at TPCWAE. Bridge construction and tunnel works at
Central Interchange, ELS, segment launching works and tunnel works at North
Point area. The major environmental impact was water quality impact at Causeway
Bay and Wan Chai. Land-based construction activities were tunnel construction
at TS2, TS4 and TPCWAE, tunnel works at Central and ELS and tunnel works at
North Point and tunnel works at Wan Chai East in the reporting
7.0.4. The major
environmental impacts generated from tunnel works at Central and tunnel works
at Wan Chai East, IECL and Causeway Bay Typhoon Shelter were undertaken in the
reporting period. No significant air impact from construction activities was
anticipated in the reporting period. Besides, no project-related exceedances
were recorded during the air and noise environmental monitoring events in the
reporting period. Thus, it is evaluated that the cumulative construction impact
from the concurrent projects including Wan Chai Development Phase II was
8.0.1. The EM&A programme was carried out
in accordance with the EM&A Manual requirements, minor alterations to the
programme proposed were made in response to changing circumstances.
8.0.2. No non-compliances were noted and no
prosecutions were received during the reporting period.
8.0.3. The
construction programmes of individual contracts are provided in Appendix 8.1.