No: HK/2011/07 Wanchai Development Phase II and Central Wanchai
Bypass Sampling, Field Measurement and
Testing Work (Stage 2) Environmental
Permit no. EP-356/2009, Further
Evironmental permit nos. fep-02/356/2009, FEP-03/356/2009, Fep-04/356/2009 Fep-06/356/2009 and FEP-07/356/2009 Quarterly Environmental Monitoring
and Audit Report
- March 2015 to May 2015 -
Engineering and Development Department and Highways
Department |
Lam Geotechnics
Limited 11/F Centre
Point 181-185 Gloucester Road, Wanchai, H.K. Telephone: (852) 2882-3939 Facsimile: (852) 2882-3331 E-mail: Website: |
Raymond Dai Environmental Team Leader |
25 June 2015 |
2.2 Scope of the Project and Site Description
2.3 Division
of the Project Responsibility
2.4 Project
Organization and Contact Personnel
2.5 Principal Work and Activities
4.2. Real Time Noise
Monitoring Results
5.2. Real-time
Noise Monitoring
5.6. Review of the Reasons for and the Implications of
5.7. Summary of action taken in the event of and follow-up
on non-compliance
6. Complaints, Notification of Summons
and Prosecution
7. Cumulative
Construction Impact due to the Concurrent Projects
Table I Principal Work Activities
for Contract no. HK/2009/01
Table II Principal Work
Activities for Contract no. HK/2009/02
Table III Principal Work
Activities for Contract no. HY/2009/15
Table IV Principal Work
Activities for Contract no. HY/2009/19
Table V Principal Work
Activities for Contract no. HK/2012/08
Table VI Principal Work Activities for Contract no. HY/2010/08
Table 2.1 Schedule 2 Designated
Projects under this Project
Table 2.2 Details of Individual
Contracts under the Project
Table 2.3 Contact Details of
Key Personnel
Table 2.4 Principal Work Activities for Contract no. HK/2009/01
Table 2.5 Principal Work Activities for Contract no. HK/2009/02
Table 2.6 Principal Work
Activities for Contract no. HY/2009/15
Table 2.7 Principal Work
Activities for Contract no. HY/2009/19
Table 2.8 Principal Work Activities for Contract no. HK/2012/08
Table 2.9 Principal Work Activities for Contract no. HY/2010/08
Table 3.1 Noise Monitoring
Table 3.2 Real Time Noise
Monitoring Station
Table 3.3 Air Monitoring
Table 3.4 Marine Water Quality
Stations for Water Quality Monitoring
Table 3.5 Marine Water Quality
Monitoring Frequency and Parameters
3.6 Marine Water Quality Stations for Enhanced Water
Quality Monitoring
Table 4.1 Noise Monitoring Station for Contract nos. HK/2009/01
and HK/2009/02
Table 4.2 Noise Monitoring
Station for Contract nos. HY/2009/15
Table 4.3 Noise Monitoring Stations for Contract no. HY/2009/19
Table 4.4 Noise Monitoring Stations for Contract no. HY/2010/08
Table 4.5 Real Time Noise
Monitoring Station for Contract no. HY/2009/19
Table 4.6 Air Monitoring Stations for Contract no. HK/2009/01
Table 4.7 Air Monitoring Station for Contract no. HK/2009/02
Table 4.8 Air Monitoring Station
for Contract no. HY/2009/15
Table 4.9 Air Monitoring Stations for Contract no. HY/2009/19
Table 4.10 Water Monitoring Stations for Contract no. HK/2009/01
Table 4.11 Water Monitoring Stations for
Contract no. HK/2009/02
Table 4.12 Water Monitoring Stations for Contract no. HK/2012/08
Table 4.13 Water Monitoring
Stations for Contract no. HY/2009/15
Table 4.14 Summary of Water Quality Monitoring Exceedances in
Reporting period
Table 4.15 Summary of Enhanced Dissolved Oxygen Monitoring Exceedances
in Reporting period
Table 4.16 Details of Waste
Disposal for Contract no. HK/2009/01
Table 4.17 Details of Waste
Disposal for Contract no. HK/2009/02
Table 4.18 Details of Waste
Disposal for Contract no. HY/2009/15
Table 4.19 Details of Waste Disposal for Contract no. HY/2009/19
Table 4.20 Details of Waste Disposal for Contract no. HK/2012/08
Table 4.21 Details of
Waste Disposal for Contract no. HY/2010/08
Table 5.1 Summary of Water Quality
Monitoring Exceedances in Reporting period
Table 5.2 Summary of
Enhanced Dissolved Oxygen Monitoring Exceedances in Reporting period
Table 6.1 Cumulative Statistics
on Complaints
Table 6.2 Cumulative Statistics
on Successful Prosecutions
2.1 Project Layout
2.2 Project Organization Chart
Figure 3.1 Locations of Environmental
Monitoring Stations
2.1 Environmental Mitigation
Implementation Schedule
Appendix 3.1 Action and Limit Level
4.1 Noise Monitoring
Graphical Presentations
4.2 Air Quality Monitoring
Graphical Presentations
4.3 Water Quality Monitoring
Graphical Presentations
Appendix 4.4 Real-time Noise Monitoring Results and Graphical Presentations
Appendix 5.1 Event Action Plans
Appendix 6.1 Complaint Log
Appendix 7.1 Construction Programme of
Individual Contracts
Construction Activities for the
Reported Period
Table I Principal Work Activities for Contract
no. HK/2009/01
March 2015 |
April 2015 |
May 2015 |
Nil |
Nil |
Nil |
Table II Principal Work Activities for Contract no.
March 2015 |
April 2015 |
May 2015 |
Works of covered walkway ABWF work Extraction of piles at WCR3 Air lifting operation at WCR3 |
Construction of sewage system ABWF work Air lifting operation at WCR3 Fabrication of slotted panels |
Construction of sewage system Air lifting operation at WCR3 Fabrication of slotted panels |
Table III
Principal Work Activities for
Contract no. HY/2009/15
March 2015 |
April 2015 |
May 2015 |
Reinstatement of vertical seawall at TS4 ·
Reinstatement of existing seawall at TPCWAE |
Reinstatement of vertical seawall at TPCWAE |
Reinstatement of vertical seawall at TPCWAE ·
Dredging work near Noon Day Gun |
Table IV Principal Work Activities for Contract no. HY/2009/19
March 2015 |
April 2015 |
May 2015 |
Nil |
Nil |
Nil |
Table V Principal Work Activities for Contract no.
March 2015 |
April 2015 |
May 2015 |
Placing of levelling stones Dry dock construction Pre-bored H-pile construction on
temporary piling platform Removal of rock armour |
Placing of armour and bermstone Dry dock construction
Pre-bored H-pile construction on temporary piling platform |
Placing of armour and bermstone Dry dock construction Installation of pipe pile wall |
Table VI
Principal Work Activities for Contract
no. HY/2010/08
March 2015 |
April 2015 |
May 2015 |
Rock filling works Seawall blocks installation works Pre-treatment works Bar fixing works Diaphragm Wall, Barrette and King Post
construction works Fill Disposal works |
Rock filling works Seawall blocks installation works Pre-treatment works Bar fixing works Diaphragm Wall, Barrette and King Post
construction works Fill Disposal works |
Rock filling works Pre-treatment works Bar fixing works ELS works Diaphragm Wall, Barrette construction
and King Post installation works Slurry and fill disposal works |
Noise Monitoring
Real-time Noise Monitoring
Air Quality Monitoring
24hr TSP monitoring at CMA1b was
rescheduled from 23 March 2015 to 24 March 2015 respectively.
24hr TSP monitoring at CMA3a was
rescheduled from 23 March 2015 to 25 March 2015.
24hr TSP monitoring at CMA4a was
rescheduled from 12 and 23 March 2015 to 13 and 24 March 2015 respectively.
24hr TSP monitoring at CMA5b was
rescheduled from 6, 18 and 23 March 2015 to 7, 20 and 24 March 2015
24hr TSP monitoring at CMA1b was
rescheduled from 22 May 2015 to 23 May 2015 respectively.
1hr TSP monitoring at CMA5b was
rescheduled from 19 March 2015 to 19 and 20 March 2015
Water Quality Monitoring
informed by CWB RSS, the operation of the diverted Windsor House cooling intake
was commenced on 20 Dec 2014 and the water quality monitoring at monitoring
station C7 for Windsor House Cooling water intake was resumed on 22 Dec 2014.
respect to the commencement of temporary reclamation works and seawall
construction at Ex-PCWAW zone and diverted culvert extension, the location of
the Enhance DO monitoring stations (Ex-PCWASW and Ex-PCWA SE) were finely
adjusted to the PCWAE since 7 November 2014.
Complaints, Notifications of
Summons and Successful Prosecutions
Geotechnics Limited (LGL) has been appointed to work as the Environmental Team
(ET) under Environmental Permit no. EP-356/2009 and Further Environmental
permit nos. FEP-02/356/2009,
FEP-04/356/2009, FEP-06/356/2009 and FEP-07/356/2009 to
implement the Environmental Monitoring and Audit (EM&A) programme as
stipulated in the EM&A Manual of the approved Environmental Impact
Assessment (EIA) Report for Wan Chai Development phase II and Central-Wan Chai
Bypass (Register No.: AEIAR-125/2008) and in the EM&A Manual of the
approved EIA Report for Central-Wan Chai Bypass and Island Eastern Corridor
Link (Register No. AEIAR-041/2001).
report presents the environmental monitoring and auditing work carried out in
accordance to the Section 10.4 of EM&A Manual and “Environmental
Monitoring and Audit Requirements” under Particular
Specification Section 27.
This report documents the finding of EM&A works
during the period from March 2015 to May 2015.
Section 1 Introduction – details the scope and structure of the
Section 2 Project Background – summarizes background and scope of the
project, site description, project organization and contact details of key
personnel during the reporting period.
Section 3 Monitoring Requirements – summarizes all monitoring parameters,
monitoring locations, monitoring frequency, duration and action plan.
Section 4 Monitoring Results – summarizes the monitoring results
obtained in the reporting period.
Section 5 Compliance Audit – summarizes the auditing of monitoring results, all
exceedances environmental parameters.
Section 6 Complaints,
Notification of summons and Prosecution – summarizes the cumulative
statistics on complaints, notification of summons and prosecution
Section 7 Cumulative
Construction Impact due to the Concurrent Projects – summarizes the
relevant cumulative construction impact due to the concurrent activities of the
concurrent Projects.
Section 8 Conclusion
Chai Development phase II and Central-Wan Chai Bypass” and “Central-Wan Chai
Bypass and Island Eastern Corridor Link” (hereafter called “the Project”) are
Designed Project (DP) under the Environmental Impact Assessment Ordinance (Cap.
499) (EIAO). The Environmental Impact
Assessment (EIA) Reports for Central-Wan Chai Bypass and Island Eastern
Corridor Link (Register No. AEIAR-041/2001) and Wan Chai Development phase II
and Central-Wan Chai Bypass (Register No.: AEIAR-125/2008) have been approved
on 31 August 2001 and 11 December 2008 respectively.
key purpose of Wan Chai Development Phase II (WDII) is to provide land at Wan
Chai North and North Point for construction of the Central-Wan Chai Bypass and
Island Eastern Corridor Link (CWB). Land formed under the project will be
developed as a world-class waterfront promenade joining that at the new Central
waterfront for public enjoyment.
is a compelling and present need for the CWB to provide relief to the very
congested east-west Connaught Road Central/Harcourt Road / Gloucester Road
Corridor (the Corridor) which is currently operating beyond its capacity. The
CWB will provide relief to the existing congestion along the Corridor and cater
for the anticipated growth of traffic on Hong Kong Island. Without the CWB and
its access roads, there will not be sufficient capacity to serve the heavy
traffic demands at both strategic and local levels.
Project is located mainly in Wan Chai North, Causeway Bay and North Point, and
is demarcated by Gloucester Road and Victoria Park Road to the south, Fenwick
Pier Street to the west and Tong Shui Road Interchange to the east, as shown in
Figure 2.1.
study area encompasses existing developments along the Wan Chai, Causeway Bay
and North Point shorelines. Major land uses include the Hong Kong Convention
& Exhibition Centre (HKCEC) Extension, the Wan Chai Ferry Pier, the ex-Wan
Chai Public Cargo Working Area (ex-PCWA), the Royal Hong Kong Yacht Club
(RHKYC), the Police Officers' Club, the Causeway Bay Typhoon Shelter (CBTS) and
commercial and residential developments.
The scope of the Project comprises:
Land formation for key transport infrastructure and
facilities, including the Trunk Road (i.e. CWB) and the associated slip roads for
connection to the Trunk Road and for through traffic from Central to Wan Chai and
Causeway Bay. The land formed for the above transport infrastructure will provide
opportunities for the development of an attractive waterfront promenade for the
enjoyment of the public
Reprovisioning / protection of the existing
facilities and structures affected by the land formation works mentioned above
Extension, modification, reprovisioning or
protection of existing storm water drainage outfalls, sewerage outfalls and
watermains affected by the revised land use and land formation works mentioned
Upgrading of hinterland storm water drainage system
and sewerage system, which would be rendered insufficient by the land formation
works mentioned above
Provision of the ground level roads, flyovers,
footbridges, necessary transport facilities and the associated utility services
Construction of the new waterfront promenade,
landscape works and the associated utility services
The Trunk Road (i.e. CWB) within the study area and
the associated slip roads for connection to the Trunk Road.
project also contains various Schedule 2 DPs that, under the EIAO, require
Environmental Permits (EPs) to be granted by the DEP before they may be either
constructed or operated. Table 2.1 summarises the five
individual DPs under this Project. Figure 2.1 shows the locations of these Schedule 2 DPs.
2.1 Schedule 2 Designated Projects under
this Project
Item |
Designated Project |
EIAO Reference |
Reason for inclusion |
DP1 |
Central-Wanchai Bypass (CWB) including its road tunnel and slip roads |
Schedule 2, Part I, A.1 and A.7 |
Trunk road and road tunnel more than 800 m in length |
DP2 |
Road P2 and other roads which are classified as primary/district
distributor roads |
Schedule 2, Part I, A.1 |
Primary / district distributor roads |
DP3 |
Reclamation works including associated dredging works |
Schedule 2, Part I, C.1 and C.12 |
Reclamation more than 5 ha in size and a dredging operation less than
100 m from a seawater intake point |
DP5 |
Wan Chai East Sewage Outfall |
Schedule 2, Part I, F.5 and F.6 |
Submarine sewage pipelines with a total diameter more than 1,200 mm
and include a submarine sewage outfall |
DP6 |
Dredging for the Cross-harbour Water Mains from Wan Chai to Tsim Sha
Tsui |
Schedule 2, Part I, C.12 |
A dredging operation less than 100 m from a seawater intake point |
Due to the multi-contract nature of the Project, the status of permits
and/or licences under the individual contract(s) are presented as below:
Contract no. HK/2010/06 – Wan Chai
Development Phase II – Central – Wan Chai Bypass over MTR Tsuen Wan Line under
The construction works were completed and the FEP-05/356/2009 was
surrendered by the Contractor on 3 October 2014.
Contract no. HY/2009/11 – Wan Chai
Development Phase II – Central – Wan Chai Bypass - North Point Reclamation
The construction works were completed and the FEP-01/356/2009 was
surrendered by the Contractor on 22 October 2012.
Due to the multi-contract nature of the Project, there are a
number of contracts sub-dividing the whole works area into different work areas
to be commenced. Contractors of
individual contracts will be required by the EP holder to apply Further
Environmental Permits (FEP) such that the impact monitoring stations are
sub-divided accordingly to facilitate the implementation of EM&A programme
and to streamline the EM&A reporting for individual FEP holders
The details of individual contracts are summarized in Table2.2.
2.2 Details of Individual Contracts
under the Project
No. |
Contract Title |
DP(s) |
Commencement Date |
HK/2009/01 |
Wan Chai Development Phase II – Central –Wanchai Bypass at Hong Kong
Convention and Exhibition Centre |
DP3, DP6 |
23 July 2010 |
DP1, DP2 |
25 August 2011 |
HK/2009/02 |
Wan Chai Development Phase II – Central – Wan Chai Bypass at WanChai
East |
DP3, DP5 |
5 July 2010 |
DP1 |
26 April 2011 |
HY/2009/11 |
Wan Chai Development Phase II and Central – Wan Chai Bypass – North
Point Reclamation |
DP3 |
17 March 2010 (Completed) |
HY/2009/15 |
Central-Wanchai Bypass – Tunnel (Causeway Bay Typhoon Shelter Section) |
DP3 |
10 November 2010 |
DP1 |
13 July 2011 |
HK/2010/06 |
Wan Chai Development Phase II-Central-Wan Chai Bypass over MTR Tsuen
Wan Line |
DP3 |
22 March 2011 (Completed) |
04/HY/2006 |
Reconstruction of Bus Terminus near Man Yiu Street and Man Kwong
Street |
DP1 |
September 2010 (Completed) |
HY/2009/17 |
Central - Wan Chai Bypass (CWB) at FEHD Whitfield Depot - Advanced
piling works. |
DP1 |
5 October 2010 (Completed) |
HY/2009/18 |
Central - Wan Chai Bypass (CWB) – Central Interchange |
DP1 |
10 March 2014 |
HY/2009/19 |
Central - Wanchai Bypass Tunnel (North Point Section) and Island
Eastern Corridor Link |
DP1 |
24 March 2011 |
HK/2012/08 |
Wan Chai
Development Phase II Central- Wan Chai Bypass at
Wan Chai West |
DP3 |
5 March 2013 |
HY/2011/08 |
Central-Wan Chai
Bypass (CWB) – Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works Associated
with Tunnel Commissioning |
DP1 |
8 October 2014 |
Civil Engineering and Development Department and
Highways Department are the overall project controllers for the Wan Chai
Development Phase II and Central-Wan Chai Bypass respectively.
For the construction phase of the Project, Project Engineer, Contractor(s),
Environmental Team and Independent Environmental Checker are appointed to
manage and control environmental issues.
proposed project organization and lines of communication with respect to
environmental protection works are shown in Figure 2.2. Key
personnel and contact particulars are summarized in Table 2.3:
Table 2.3 Contact Details of Key Personnel
Party |
Role |
Post |
Name |
No. |
Fax |
Engineer’s Representative for
Principal Resident Engineer |
Mr. Frankie Fan |
2587 1778 |
2587 1877 |
Engineer’s Representative for CWB |
Principal Resident Engineer |
Mr. Peter Poon |
3912 3388 |
3912 3010 |
Chun Wo – Leader Joint Venture |
Contractor under Contract no. HK/2009/01 |
Manager |
Mr. Simon Liu |
9304 8355 |
2587 1878 |
Site Agent |
Mr. Andy Yu |
9648 4896 |
Manager |
Mr. Terry
Wong |
9757 9846 |
Manager |
Mr. Wyman
Wong |
9627 2467 |
Manager |
Mr. Kenneth
Chan |
9160 3850 |
Environmental Officer |
Ms. Wendy Ng |
9803 0057 |
Environmental Engineer |
Connie Chan |
6157 7057 |
Chun Wo – CRGL Joint Venture |
Contractor under Contract no. HK/2009/02 |
Manager |
Mr. Alfred Leung |
3658-3022 |
2827 9996 |
Quality & Environmental Manager |
Mr. C.P. Ho |
9191 8856 |
China State Construction Engineering (HK) Ltd. |
Contractor under Contract no. HY/2009/15 |
Project Director |
Chris Leung |
3557 6393 |
2566 2192 |
Site Manager |
Y Huo |
3557 6368 |
Contractor’s Representative |
Andrew Wong |
3557 6358 |
Contractor’s Representative |
Gene Cheung |
3557 6395 |
Environmental Officer |
Andy Mak |
3557 6347 |
Chun Wo - CRGL - MBEC Joint Venture |
Contractor under Contract no. HY/2009/19 |
Project Manager |
David Lau |
3758 8879 |
2570 8013 |
Site Agent |
Paul Yu |
9456 9819 |
Environmental Manager / Environmental Officer |
Eric Fong |
6191 9337 |
Construction Manager (Marine) |
M.H. Isa |
9884 0810 |
Construction Manager (Land) |
Andy Chan |
9879 4325 |
Construction Manager (Land) |
Bear Ding |
6483 6198 |
Operation Manager (Land) |
Yung Kwok Wah |
9834 1010 |
China State- Leader JV |
Contractor under Contract no. HK/2012/08 |
Project Director |
C. N. Lai |
9106 5806 |
2877 1522 |
Project Manager |
Eddie Chung |
9189 8118 |
Site Agent |
Keith Tse |
9037 1839 |
Environmental Officer |
James Ma |
9130 9549 |
Environmental Supervisor |
Y. L. Ho |
9856 5669 |
China State |
Contractor under
Contract no. HY/2010/08 |
Project Director |
Chris Leung |
3467 4299 |
2566 8061 |
Project Manager |
Chan Ying Lun |
3418 3001 |
Site Agent |
Dave Chan |
3467 4277 |
Environmental Officer |
C.M. Wong |
3557 6464 |
Environmental Supervisor |
Desmond Ho Tsz Ho |
3557 6466 |
ENVIRON Hong Kong Limited |
Environmental Checker (IEC) |
Independent Environmental Checker (IEC) |
Mr. David Yeung |
34652888 |
34652899 |
Lam Geotechnics Limited |
Team (ET) |
Environmental Team Leader (ETL) |
Mr. Raymond Dai |
2882 3939 |
2882 3331 |
this reporting period, the principal work activities for Contract no.
HK/2009/01 are summarized in Table 2.4.
2.4 Principal Work Activities for Contract no.
March 2015 |
April 2015 |
May 2015 |
Nil |
Nil |
Nil |
this reporting period, the principal work activities for Contract no.
HK/2009/02 are summarized in Table 2.5.
2.5 Principal Work Activities for Contract no.
March 2015 |
April 2015 |
May 2015 |
Works of covered walkway
ABWF work
Extraction of piles at WCR3
Air lifting operation at WCR3 |
Construction of sewage system
ABWF work
Air lifting operation at WCR3
Fabrication of slotted panels |
Construction of sewage system
Air lifting operation at WCR3
Fabrication of slotted panels |
Major construction activities for Contract no.
HY/2009/15 was commenced on 10 November 2010. During this reporting period, the
principal work activities for Contract no. HY/2009/15 are summarized as below:
2.6 Principal Work Activities for Contract no. HY/2009/15
March 2015 |
April 2015 |
May 2015 |
Reinstatement of vertical seawall at TS4 ·
Reinstatement of existing seawall at TPCWAE |
Reinstatement of vertical seawall at TPCWAE |
Reinstatement of vertical seawall at TPCWAE ·
Dredging work near Noon Day Gun |
Contract no. HY/2009/19 was commenced on 24 March
2011. During this reporting period, the principal work activities for Contract
no. HY/2009/19 are summarized as below:
2.7 Principal Work Activities for Contract no. HY/2009/19
March 2015 |
April 2015 |
May 2015 |
Nil |
Nil |
Nil |
Contract no. HK/2012/08 was commenced on March 2013.
During this reporting period, the principal work activities for Contract no. HK/2012/08
are summarized as below:
2.8 Principal Work Activities for Contract no. HK/2012/08
March 2015 |
April 2015 |
May 2015 |
Placing of levelling stones
Dry dock construction
Pre-bored H-pile construction on temporary piling platform
Removal of rock armour |
Placing of armour and bermstone
Dry dock construction Pre-bored H-pile construction on
temporary piling platform |
Placing of armour and bermstone
Dry dock construction
Installation of pipe pile wall |
Contract no. HY/2010/08 was commenced on 21 March
2013. During this reporting period, the principal work activities for Contract
no. HY/2010/08 are summarized as below:
Table 2.9 Principal Work Activities for Contract no.
March 2015 |
April 2015 |
May 2015 |
Rock filling works
Seawall blocks installation works
Pre-treatment works
Bar fixing works
Diaphragm Wall, Barrette and King Post construction works
Fill Disposal works |
Rock filling works
Seawall blocks installation works
Pre-treatment works
Bar fixing works
Diaphragm Wall, Barrette and King Post construction works
Fill Disposal works |
Rock filling works
Pre-treatment works
Bar fixing works
ELS works
Diaphragm Wall, Barrette construction and King Post installation works
Slurry and fill disposal works |
status of the recommended mitigation measures during this reporting period is
presented in Appendix 2.1.
Noise Monitoring Stations
3.1.1. The noise monitoring stations for the Project
are listed and shown in Table 3.1 and Figure 3.1. Appendix 3.1 shows the established Action/Limit
Levels for the monitoring works.
3.1 Noise Monitoring Stations
Station |
Description |
M1a |
Harbour Road Sports Centre |
M2b |
Noon Gun Area |
M3a |
Tung Lo Wan Fire
Station |
M4b |
Victoria Centre |
M5b |
City Garden |
M6 |
HK Baptist Church
Henrietta Secondary School |
time Noise Monitoring Stations
3.1.2. The real-noise monitoring
stations for the Project are listed and shown in Table 3.2 and Figure 3.1. Appendix 3.1 shows the established
Action/Limit Levels for the monitoring works.
3.1.3. The
real-time noise monitoring at RTN2-Oil Street Community Liaison Centre has been
relocated to City Garden Electric Centre (RTN2a- Electric Centre) on 5 Oct
2012, which is a representative of noise sensitive receiver- City Garden. The
baseline noise level of RTN2a will adopt the results derived from the baseline
noise monitoring conducted in Electric Centre from 4 December 2009 to 17
December 2009.
3.1.4. As the
land-based piling and filling works- DP3 at Tin Hau had been completed on 3
September 2012 and confirmed by RSS, the real-time noise monitoring results at RTN1
- FEHD Hong Kong Transport Section Whitfield Depot was excluded under
EP-356/2009 since 28 November 2012.
3.2 Real Time Noise
Monitoring Station
District |
Station |
Description |
North Point |
RTN2 |
Oil Street Community Liaison Centre |
North Point |
RTN2a |
Electric Centre |
Real time noise monitoring results and
graphical presentation during night time period are for information only.
RTN2 had been
relocated to RTN2a since 5 Oct 2012
Noise Monitoring
Parameters, Frequency and Duration
3.1.5. The construction noise level
shall be measured in terms of the A-weighted equivalent continuous sound pressure level (Leq).
Leq (30 minutes) shall be used as the monitoring parameter for the
time period
between 0700 and 1900 hours on normal weekdays. For all other time periods, Leq
(5 minutes) shall be employed for comparison with the Noise Control
Ordinance (NCO) criteria.
Supplementary information for data auditing, statistical results such as L10
and L90 shall also be obtained for reference.
3.1.6. Noise monitoring shall be
carried out at all the designated monitoring stations. The monitoring frequency
shall depend on the scale of the construction activities. The following is an
initial guide on the
regular monitoring frequency for each station on a weekly basis when noise
generating activities are underway:
set of measurements between 0700 and 1900 hours on normal weekdays.
3.1.7. If construction works are extended to include works
during the hours of 1900 – 0700 as well as public holidays and Sundays,
additional weekly impact monitoring shall be carried out during respective
restricted hours periods. Applicable permits under NCO shall be obtained by the
3.1.8. Real time noise shall be carried out at the
designated monitoring stations. The following is an initial guide on the
regular monitoring frequency for each station on a 24 hours daily basis when
noise generating activities are underway:
set of measurements between 0700 and 1900 hours on normal weekdays.
set of measurements between 1900 and 2300 hours on normal weekdays and 0700 and
2300 hours on public holidays.
set of measurements between 2300 and 0700 hours on next day on everyday.
Monitoring Equipment
3.1.9. As
referred to in the Technical Memorandum ™ issued under the NCO, sound level
meters in compliance with the International Electrotechnical Commission Publications
651: 1979 (Type 1) and 804: 1985 (Type 1) specifications shall be used for
carrying out the noise monitoring. Immediately prior to and following each
noise measurement the accuracy of the sound level meter shall be checked using
an acoustic calibrator generating a known sound pressure level at a known
frequency. Measurements may be accepted as valid only if the calibration level
from before and after the noise measurement agree to within 1.0 dB.
3.1.10. Noise
measurements shall not be made in fog, rain, wind with a steady speed exceeding
5 m/s or wind with gusts exceeding 10 m/s. The wind speed shall be checked with
a portable wind speed meter capable of measuring the wind speed in m/s.
Air Quality Monitoring
air monitoring stations for the Project are listed and shown in Table
3.3 and Figure 3.1. Appendix 3.1 shows the established Action/Limit Levels for the
monitoring works.
Table 3.3 Air Monitoring Stations
Station ID |
Location |
Description |
CMA1b |
Oil Street Site
Office** |
North Point |
CMA2a |
Causeway Bay Community
Centre |
Causeway Bay |
CMA3a |
CWB PRE Site Office * |
Causeway Bay |
CMA4a |
Society for the
Prevention of Cruelty to Animals |
Wan Chai |
CMA5b |
Pedestrian Plaza*** |
Wan Chai |
CMA6a |
WDII PRE Site Office * |
Wan Chai |
* Remarks: As per the ENPC
meeting in January 2011, the monitoring stations CMA3a - Future CWB site office
at Wanchai Waterfront Promenade and CMA6a - Future AECOM site office at Work
Area were renamed as remark.
Remarks**: The location ID of monitoring station
CMA1b was updated as “Oil Street Site Office” in April 2013.
The station ID and monitoring location was updated in December 2014 with
respect to monitoring station relocation.
Air Monitoring Parameters,
Frequency and Duration
and 24-hour TSP levels should be measured to indicate the impacts of
construction dust on air quality. The 24-hour TSP levels shall be measured by
following the standard high volume sampling method as set out in the Title 40
of the Code of Federal Regulations, Chapter 1 (Part 50), Appendix B.
relevant data including temperature, pressure, weather conditions, elapsed-time
meter reading for the start and stop of the sampler, identification and weight
of the filter paper, and any other local atmospheric factors affecting or
affected by site conditions, etc., shall be recorded down in detail.
regular impact monitoring, the sampling frequency of at least once in every
six-days, shall be strictly observed at all the monitoring stations for 24-hour
TSP monitoring. For 1-hour TSP monitoring, the sampling frequency of at least
three times in every six-days should be undertaken when the highest dust impact
Sampling Procedure and
Monitoring Equipment
3.2.5 High
volume samplers (HVSs) in compliance with the following specifications shall be
used for carrying out the 1-hour and 24-hour TSP monitoring:
- 1.7 m3 per minute adjustable flow range;
with a timing / control device with +/- 5 minutes accuracy for 24 hours
with elapsed-time meter with +/- 2 minutes accuracy for 24 hours operation;
of providing a minimum exposed area of 406 cm2;
control accuracy: +/- 2.5% deviation over 24-hour sampling period;
with a shelter to protect the filter and sampler;
with an electronic mass flow rate controller or other equivalent devices;
with a flow recorder for continuous monitoring;
with a peaked roof inlet;
with a manometer;
to hold and seal the filter paper to the sampler housing at horizontal
changeable filter; and
of operating continuously for a 24-hour period.
3.2.6 Initial
calibration of dust monitoring equipment shall be conducted upon installation
and thereafter at bi-monthly intervals. The transfer standard shall be
traceable to the internationally recognized primary standard and be calibrated
annually. The concern parties such as IEC shall properly document the
calibration data for future reference. All the data should be converted into
standard temperature and pressure condition.
Laboratory Measurement /
3.2.7 A clean
laboratory with constant temperature and humidity control, and equipped with
necessary measuring and conditioning instruments to handle the dust samples
collected, shall be available for sample analysis, and equipment calibration
and maintenance. The laboratory should be HOKLAS accredited.
3.2.8 An
alternative non-HOKLAS
accredited laboratory was set-up for carrying out the laboratory
analysis, the laboratory equipment was approved by the ER on 8
February 2011 and
the measurement procedures were witnessed by the IEC. Any measurement performed by
the laboratory was be demonstrated to the satisfaction of the ER and IEC. IEC shall
regularly audit to the measurement performed by the laboratory to ensure the
accuracy of measurement results.
3.2.9 Filter
paper of size 8" x 10" shall be labelled before sampling. It shall be
a clean filter paper with no pinholes, and shall be conditioned in a
humidity-controlled chamber for over 24-hours and be pre-weighed before use for
the sampling.
3.2.10 After
sampling, the filter paper loaded with dust shall be kept in a clean and
tightly sealed plastic bag. The filter paper shall then be returned to the
laboratory for reconditioning in the humidity controlled chamber followed by
accurate weighing by an electronic balance with readout down to 0.1 mg. The
balance shall be regularly calibrated against a traceable standard.
3.2.11 All the
collected samples shall be kept in a good condition for 6 months before
impact monitoring for
odour patrol
3.2.12 Odour patrols along the
shorelines of Causeway Bay Typhoon Shelter and ex-Wan Chai Public Cargo Working
Area when there is temporary reclamation in Causeway Bay Typhoon Shelter and/or in the ex-Wan Chai Public Cargo
Working Area, or when there is dredging of the odorous sediment and slime at
the south-western corner of the Causeway Bay Typhoon Shelter. Odour patrols
will be carried out at bi-weekly intervals during July, August and September by
a qualified person of the ET who shall:
at least 16 years of age;
free from any respiratory illnesses; and
be allowed to smoke, eat, drink (except water) or use chewing gum or sweets 30
and during odour patrol
3.2.13 Odour patrol shall be conducted by independent
trained personnel / competent persons patrolling and sniffing around the shore
as shown in Figure 3.1 to detect any odour at
the concerned hours (afternoon is preferred for higher daily temperature).
3.2.14 The qualified person will use the nose (olfactory
sensor) to sniff odours at different locations. The main odour emission sources
and the areas to be affected by the odour nuisance will be identified.
3.2.15 The perceived odour intensity is to be divided into
5 levels which are ranked in the descending order as follows:
0 -
Not detected. No odour perceived or an odour so weak that it cannot be easily
characterized or described;
1 -
Slight Identifiable odour, and slight chance to have odour nuisance;
2 -
Moderate Identifiable odour, and moderate chance to have odour nuisance;
3 -
Strong Identifiable, likely to have odour nuisance;
4 -
Extreme Severe odour, and unacceptable odour level.
3.2.16 The findings including odour intensity, odour
nature and possible odour sources, and also the local wind speed and direction
at each location will be recorded. In addition, some relevant meteorological
and tidal data such as daily average temperature, and daily average humidity,
on that surveyed day will be obtained from the Hong Kong Observatory Station
for reference. The Action and Limit levels for odour patrol are shown in Appendix 3.1.
3.3.1. The EIA Report has identified that the key water
quality impact would be associated with the dredging works during the
construction phase. Marine water quality
monitoring for dissolved oxygen (DO), suspended solid (SS) and turbidity is
therefore recommended to be carried out at selected WSD flushing water
intakes. The impact monitoring should be
carried out during the proposed dredging works to ensure the compliance with
the water quality standards.
3.3.2. The
updated EM&A Manual for EP-356/2009 (Version in March 2011) is approval by
EPD on 29 April 2011. As such, the Action Level and Limit Level for the wet
season (April – September) will be effected and applied to the water quality
monitoring data from 30 April 2011.
Water Quality Monitoring Stations
3.3.3. It is proposed to monitor the water quality at 2
WSD salt water intakes and 7 cooling water intakes along the seafront of the
Victoria Harbour. The proposed water quality monitoring stations of the Project
are shown in Table 3.4 and Figure 3.1. Appendix 3.1 shows the established
Action/Limit Levels for the monitoring works.
Marine Water Quality Stations for Water
Quality Monitoring
Station Ref. |
Location |
Easting |
Northing |
WSD Salt Water Intake |
WSD19 |
Sheung Wan |
833415.0 |
816771.0 |
Cooling Water Intake |
C1 |
HKCEC Extension |
835885.6 |
816223.0 |
C7 |
Windsor House |
837193.7 |
816150.0 |
P1 |
Phase I |
835774.7 |
816179.4 |
P3 |
The Academy of performing Arts |
835824.6 |
816212.0 |
P4 |
Shui on Centre |
835865.6 |
816220.0 |
P5 |
Buildings (Wanchai
Tower / Revenue Tower / Immigration Tower) |
835895.2 |
816215.2 |
Cooling Water Intake / WSD Salt Water Intake |
RW21-P789 |
Eagle Centre/ Sun Hung Kai Centre/ WSD Wanchai salt water intake |
836268.0 |
816020.0 |
Remarks: - The cessation of seawater intake
operation for C6 was confirmed on 17 May 2011, the water monitoring at C6 was
then terminated since 17 May 2011.
- WSD9 and WSD17 were implemented with respect to HK/2009/02 from 8 Feb 2012.
- 4-week water quality monitoring at WSD9, WSD10, WSD15, WSD17, C8, C9
were completed on 6 Feb 2012.
- C8 and C9 were implemented with respect to HY/2009/19 from 28 Jan 2012.
- C8 & C9 was temporary suspended on 30 March 2013 due to the marine
works for Contract no. HY/2009/19 had been completed on 4 March 2013
- WSD7 and WSD20 were temporarily
suspended from 27 Apr 2012
- C2, C3 C4e and C4w water quality monitoring station was temporarily
suspended since 24 Apr 2013
- C5e and C5w water quality monitoring station was temporarily suspended
since 29 July 2013
- WSD21 water quality monitoring station was temporarily suspended since 12
March 2014
- Maintenance responsibility of silt screen C1, WSD19, P3, P4 and P5 are
under Contract HK/2009/01.
- WSD9 and WSD17 water quality monitoring station was temporarily
suspended since 8 September 2014 flood tide.
Water Quality Parameters
and frequency
3.3.4. Monitoring of dissolved oxygen (DO), turbidity and
suspended solids (SS) shall be carried out at WSD flushing water intakes and
cooling water intakes. DO and Turbidity are measured in-situ while SS is
determined in laboratory.
3.3.5. In association with the water quality parameters,
other relevant data shall also be measured, such as monitoring
location/position, time, sampling depth, water temperature, pH, salinity,
dissolved oxygen (DO) saturation, weather conditions, sea conditions, tidal
stage, and any special phenomena and work underway at the construction site
3.3.6. The interval between two sets of monitoring should
not be less than 36 hours except where there are exceedances of Action and/or
Limit Levels, in which case the monitoring frequency will be increased. Table 3.5 shows the proposed
monitoring frequency and water quality parameters. Duplicate in-situ measurements and water
sampling should be carried out in each sampling event. For selection of tides for in-situ
measurement and water sampling, tidal range of individual flood and ebb tides
should be not less than 0.5m.
3.5 Marine Water Quality Monitoring Frequency
and Parameters
Activities |
Monitoring Frequency1 |
Parameters2 |
During the 4-week
baseline monitoring period |
Three days per week,
at mid-flood and mid-ebb tides |
Turbidity, Suspended
Solids (SS), Dissolved Oxygen (DO), pH, Temperature, Salinity |
During marine construction works |
Three days per week,
at mid-flood and mid-ebb tides |
Turbidity, Suspended
Solids (SS), Dissolved Oxygen (DO), pH, Temperature, Salinity |
After completion of marine construction works |
Three days per week,
at mid-flood and mid-ebb tides |
Turbidity, Suspended
Solids (SS), Dissolved Oxygen (DO), pH, Temperature, Salinity |
1. For
selection of tides for in-situ measurement and water sampling, tidal range of
individual flood and ebb tides should be not less than 0.5m.
Turbidity should be
measured in situ whereas SS should be determined by laboratory.
Dissolved Oxygen and
Temperature Measuring Equipment
3.3.7. The instrument should be a portable, weatherproof
dissolved oxygen measuring instrument complete with cable, sensor,
comprehensive operation manuals, and use a DC power source. It should be
capable of measuring:
dissolved oxygen level in the range of 0-20 mg/l and 0-200% saturation
temperature of 0-45 degree Celsius
3.3.8. It should have a membrane electrode with automatic
temperature compensation complete with a cable. Sufficient stocks of spare
electrodes and cables should be available for replacement where necessary.
(e.g. YSI model 59 meter, YSI 5739 probe, YSI 5795A submersible stirrer with
reel and cable or an approved similar instrument).
3.3.9. Should salinity compensation not be build-in in the
DO equipment, in-situ salinity shall be measured to calibrate the DO equipment
prior to each DO measurement.
Turbidity Measurement
3.3.10 The
instrument should be a portable, weatherproof turbidity-measuring instrument
complete with comprehensive operation manual. The equipment should use a DC
power source. It should have a photoelectric sensor capable of measuring
turbidity between 0‑1000 NTU and be complete with a cable (e.g. Hach
model 2100P or an approved similar instrument).
3.3.11 Water sampler comprises a transparent PVC
cylinder, with a capacity of not less than 2 litres, and can be effectively
sealed with latex cups at both ends. The sampler should have a positive
latching system to keep it open and prevent premature closure until released by
a messenger when the sampler is at the selected water depth (e.g. Kahlsico
Water Sampler or an approved similar instrument).
Sample Container and
3.3.12 Water
samples for suspended solids measurement should be collected in high-density
polythene bottles, packed in ice (cooled to 4°C without being frozen), and delivered
to ALS Technichem (HK) Pty Ltd. as soon as possible after collection for
Water Depth Detector
3.3.13 A
portable, battery-operated echo sounder shall be used for the determination of
water depth at each designated monitoring station. This unit can either be
handheld or affixed to the bottom of the workboat, if the same vessel is to be
used throughout the monitoring programme.
3.3.14 A portable
salinometer capable of measuring salinity in the range of 0-40 ppt shall be
provided for measuring salinity of the water at each of monitoring location.
Monitoring Position
3.3.15 A
hand-held or boat-fixed type digital Global Positioning System (GPS) with
waypoint bearing indication or other equivalent instrument of similar accuracy
shall be provided and used during monitoring to ensure the monitoring vessel is
at the correct location before taking measurements.
Calibration of In-situ
3.3.16 All
in-situ monitoring instrument shall be checked, calibrated and certified by a
laboratory accredited under HOKLAS or equivalent before use, and subsequently
re-calibrated at 3 monthly intervals throughout all stages of the water quality
monitoring. Responses of sensors and electrodes should be checked with
certified standard solutions before each use. Wet bulb calibration for a DO
meter shall be carried out before measurement at each monitoring location.
3.3.17 For the on
site calibration of field equipment by the ET, the BS 127:1993, "Guide to
Field and on-site test methods for the analysis of waters" should be observed.
3.3.18 Sufficient
stocks of spare parts should be maintained for replacements when necessary.
Backup monitoring equipment shall also be made available so that monitoring can
proceed uninterrupted even when some equipment is under maintenance,
calibration, etc.
Laboratory Measurement /
3.3.19 Analysis
of suspended solids has been carried out in a HOKLAS accredited laboratory, ALS
Technichem (HK) Pty Ltd. Water samples of about 1L shall be collected at the
monitoring stations for carrying out the laboratory SS determination. The SS
determination work shall start within 24 hours after collection of the water
samples. The SS determination shall follow APHA 19ed or equivalent methods
subject to the approval of IEC and EPD.
Enhanced Water Quality
Monitoring in the ex-Wan Chai Public Cargo
Working Area and the
Causeway Bay Typhoon Shelter
3.3.20 The
enhanced water quality monitoring and audit programme is to avoid aggravation
of odour nuisance from seawater arising from temporary reclamation in the
ex-Wan Chai Public Cargo Working Area and the Causeway Bay Typhoon Shelter.
3.3.21 Dissolved
oxygen monitoring at the intakes C6 and C7 in Causeway Bay Typhoon Shelter when
there is temporary reclamation in Causeway Bay Typhoon Shelter and at the
south-western and south-eastern corners of the ex-Wan Chai Public Cargo Working
Area. The proposed water quality monitoring stations of the Project are shown
in Table
3.6 and Figure 3.1.
Table 3.6 Marine
Water Quality Stations for Enhanced Water Quality Monitoring
Station |
Location |
C6 |
Excelsior Hotel |
C7 |
Windsor House |
South-western of the ex-Wan Chai
Public Cargo Working Area |
South-eastern of the ex-Wan Chai
Public Cargo Working Area |
3.3.22 The monitoring
of dissolved oxygen are to be carried out 3 days per week, at mid-flood and
mid-ebb tides for 3 water depths (1m below water surface, mid-depth and 1m
above sea bed, except where the water depth less than 6m, the mid-depth may be
omitted. If the water depth be less than 3m, only the mid-depth will be
Daily SS Monitoring and 24
hours Turbidity Monitoring System
3.3.23 During
dredging of the sediment at the south-western corner of the Causeway Bay
Typhoon Shelter, daily monitoring of suspended solids and 24 hour monitoring of
turbidity at the cooling water intakes (C6 and C7) shall be conducted.
3.3.24 The 24
hours monitoring of turbidty at the cooling water intakes (C6 and C7) shall be
established by setting up a continuous water quality monitoring station in
front of the intakes during the dredging activities. The monitoring system include the turbidity
sensor and data logger which is capable of data capturing at every 5 minutes.
The data shall be downloaded daily and compared with the Action and Limit level
determined during the baseline water qualtiy monitoring at the cooling water
intake locations.
Additional Dissovled
3.3.25 In
response to the Condition 2.18 of the Environmental Permit no. EP-356/2009
requiring that a silt curtain / impermeable barrier system be installed to
channel water discharge flow from Culvert L to locations outside the embayment
area, a proposed replacement of the requirement with additional dissolved
oxygen monitoring has been conducted at three monitoring stations, namely A, B
and C between the eastern seawall of Central Reclamation Phase III and the
HKCEC Extension since November 2011 under EP-356/2009 so that DO level between
the eastern seawall of Central Reclamation Phase II and the HKCEC extension
could be continuously monitored.
3.3.26 With
respect to the commencement of dredging works under HK/2012/08 and the
installation of MTR precast protection unit, the enhanced water quality
monitoring for Culvert L was temporarily suspended since 24 July 2013
3.3.27 The
monitoring of dissolved oxygen are to be carried out once per week, at
mid-flood and mid-ebb tides for 3 water depths (1m below water surface,
mid-depth and 1m above sea bed, except where the water depth less than 6m, the
mid-depth may be omitted. If the water depth be equal to or less than 3m, only
the mid-depth will be monitored).
4.0.1. The environmental monitoring will be implemented
based on the division of works areas of each designed project managed under different
contracts with separate FEP applied by individual contractors. Overall layout showing work areas of various
contracts, latest status of work commencement and monitoring stations is shown
2.1 and Figure
3.1. The monitoring results are presented in according to the
Individual Contract(s).
4.0.2 According to
EP-364/2009/A Part B, “Scale and Scope of Designated Project”, Remarks (c),”The
permanent and temporary reclamation and associated dredging works related to
the CWB construction are separately covered by environmental permit No.
EP-356/2009 issued to Civil Engineering and Development Department”, and
marine piling works to be conducted by the Contractor of Contract no. HY/2009/19
from 28 January 2012 was considered to be governed under EP-356/2009. As the
construction site area of Contract no. HY/2009/11 had already been handed over
to Contract no. HY/2009/19, the designated noise, water and air quality
monitoring stations for Contract no. HY/2009/11 would be shared with Contract
no. HY/2009/19 from 28 January 2012.
Contract no. HK/2009/01 - Wan Chai Development
Phase II – Central –Wanchai Bypass at HKCEC and Contract no. HK/2009/02 - Wan
Chai Development Phase II – Central – Wan Chai Bypass at WanChai East
proposed divisions of noise monitoring stations are summarized in Table
4.1 below.
Table 4.1 Noise Monitoring Station for Contract nos. HK/2009/01 and HK/2009/02
Station |
Description |
M1a |
Harbour Road Sports Centre |
4.1.2. No action or limit level exceedance was recorded in
this reporting quarter.
Noise monitoring
results measured in this reporting period are reviewed and summarized. Details of graphical presentation can be
referred in Appendix 4.1.
Contract no. HY/2009/15 - Central-Wanchai Bypass – Tunnel (Causeway Bay
Typhoon Shelter Section)
4.1.3. The noise monitoring for HY/2009/15 was
commenced on 10 November 2010. The
proposed division of noise monitoring stations are summarized in Table
4.2 below.
Noise Monitoring Station for Contract nos. HY/2009/15
Station |
Description |
M2b |
Noon Gun Area |
M3a |
Tung Lo Wan Fire Station |
No action
or limit level exceedance was recorded in this report quarter.
Noise monitoring results measured in this reporting
period are reviewed and summarized.
Details of graphical presentation can be referred in Appendix 4.1.
Contract no. HY/2009/19 – Central- Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel (North Point Section) and Island Eastern Corridor Link
quality monitoring at M4b and M5b have been implemented with respect to
HY/2009/19 since the marine bore piling work started on 28 Jan 2012.
proposed division of noise monitoring stations for Contract no. HY/2009/19 are
summarized in Table 4.3 below:
Table 4.3
Noise Monitoring
Stations for Contract no. HY/2009/19
Station |
Description |
M4b |
Victoria Centre |
M5b |
City Garden |
M6 |
HK Baptist Church Henrietta Secondary School |
No action or limit level exceedance was recorded in March reporting
One limit level exceedance was recorded on 21 April 2015 in April
reporting month.
Traffic noise was observed during monitoring on 21 April 2015 and it was
considered as the major noise contribution. As such, the limit level
exceedances were concluded as non-project related.
Two limit level exceedance was recorded on 5 and 27 May 2015 in May
reporting month.
IEC bridge deck saw cutting works under HY/2009/19 was observed during
monitoring on 5 May 2015 and no noise mitigation measures was provided for the
concerned works. The saw cutting works was considered as the major noise
contribution and the limit level exceedance was concluded as Project related.
Mitigation measures including the use of movable noise barrier for the saw
cutting machine was committed by the Contractor as the CWB RSS confirmed the
concerned construction works at the concerned section was temporarily completed
on 5 May 2015 and tentatively to be resumed in June 2015. Additional noise
monitoring was conducted and no further exceedance was identified.
IEC bridge deck saw cutting works under HY/2009/19 was observed during
monitoring on 21 May 2015 and single noise barrier was provided to the saw cut
machine. The mitigation measures was considered inadequate based on the
Contractor submitted rectification proposal and the noise level measured. The
saw cutting works was considered as the major noise contribution and the limit
level exceedance was concluded as Project related. Mitigation measures
including provision of additional movable noise barriers for the saw cutting
machine was implemented by the Contractor and additional noise monitoring was
conducted and no further exceedance was identified.
monitoring results measured in this reporting period are reviewed and
summarized. Details of graphical
presentation can be referred in Appendix 4.1.
no. HY/2010/08-Central-Wanchi Bypass Tunnel (Slip Road 8 Section)
The proposed division of noise monitoring
stations are summarized in Table 4.4
Table 4.4 Noise Monitoring Station for Contract no. HY/2010/08
Station |
Description |
M2b |
Noon Gun Area |
M3a |
Tung Lo Wan Fire Station |
No action or limit level exceedance was recorded in the reporting
Noise monitoring results measured in this
reporting period are reviewed and summarized. Details of noise monitoring results
and graphical presentation can be referred in Appendix 4.1.
Contract no. HY/2009/19 – Central- Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel (North Point Section) and Island Eastern Corridor Link
4.2.1 As the land-based piling
and filling works- DP3 at Tin Hau had been completed on 3 September 2012 and
confirmed by RSS, the real-time noise monitoring results at FEHD Hong Kong
Transport Section Whitfield Depot was excluded under EP-356/2009 since 28
November 2012.
4.2.2 The real-time noise
monitoring at RTN2-Oil Street Community Liaison Centre has been relocated to
City Garden Electric Centre (RTN2a- Electric Centre) on 5 Oct 2012, which is a
representative of noise sensitive receiver- City Garden. The baseline noise
level of RTN2a will adopt the results derived from the baseline noise
monitoring conducted in Electric Centre from 4 December 2009 to 17 December
4.2.3 The major work activities
for Contract no. HY/2009/11 was confirmed substantial complete by RSS on 4
January 2012. The construction site was handed over to contractor HY/2009/19 on
31 December 2011 and the FEP-01/356/2009 was surrendered on 22 Oct 2012.
4.2.4 Real-time
noise monitoring at FEHD Hong Kong Transport Section Whitfield Depot commenced
external wall renovation since 1 June 2012
Table 4.5
Real Time Noise Monitoring Station for Contract no.
District |
Station |
Description |
North Point |
RTN2a |
Electric Centre |
l Real
time noise monitoring results and graphical presentation during night time
period are for information only.
RTN2 had been relocated to RTN2a since 5 Oct 2012
RTN1 monitoring had been finished on 28 Nov 2012
Limit level exceedances were recorded at RTN2a-Electric Centre during
daytime on 28 February 2015 and 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 9 March 2015 and 26 March
2015 during day time in the reporting month. After checking with Contractor of
HY/2009/19, trench excavation and sheet piling works were undertaken by the
Contractor and noise mitigation measures including erection of noise blanket
was implemented by the Contractor while breaking works and excavation works was
observed across March 2015 at the construction site located next to the
concerned monitoring station. In view of the above, the exceedances were
considered to be non-Project related and contributed by nearby non-CWB
construction site works.
Limit level exceedances were recorded at RTN2a-Electric Centre during
daytime on 31 March, 2, 8, 9, 10 and 11 April 2015 during day time in the
reporting month. After checking with Contractor of HY/2009/19, sheet-pile
driving works were conducted on 31 March 2015 and 2 April 2015 while sheet-pile
extraction works were conducted on 8, 9, 10 and 11 April 2015. Noise mitigation
measures including erection of noise blanket was implemented by the Contractor
while breaking works and excavation works were observed across the concerned
period at the construction site located next to the monitoring station. In view
of the above, the exceedances were considered to be non-Project related and
contributed by nearby non-CWB construction site works.
4.2.7 Limit level exceedances were recorded at
RTN2a-Electric Centre during daytime on19 May 2015 during day time in the
reporting month. After checking with Contractor of HY/2009/19, U beam lifting
works with trailers and crawler cranes was conducted while breaking works and
excavation works was noted on-going at the construction site located next to
the monitoring station. In view of the above, the exceedances were considered
to be non-Project related and contributed by nearby non-CWB construction site
1hr and 24hr TSP monitoring were conducted at CMA1b,
CMA2a, CMA3a, CMA4a, CMA5b and CMA6a in the reporting period.
Contract no. HK/2009/01 - Wan Chai Development
Phase II – Central –Wanchai Bypass at HKCEC
monitoring was commenced on 1 April 2011 in response to the commencement of the
land-filling work for Contract no. HK/2009/01. The proposed division of air
monitoring stations are summarized in Table 4.6 below.
4.6 Air Monitoring Stations for Contract no. HK/2009/01
Station |
Description |
CMA5b |
Pedestrian Plaza |
CMA6a |
WDII PRE Site Office * |
4.3.3. No action
or limit exceedance was recorded in this reporting quarter.
Contract no. HK/2009/02 - Wan Chai Development
Phase II – Central – Wan Chai Bypass at WanChai East
monitoring was commenced in mid-January 2011 for the land-filling work for
Contract no. HK/2009/02. The proposed division of air monitoring stations is
summarized in Table 4.7 below.
4.7 Air Monitoring Station
for Contract no. HK/2009/02
Station |
Description |
CMA4a |
Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals |
action or limit level exceedance was recorded in March, April and May reporting
Contract no. HY/2009/15 - Central-Wanchai Bypass – Tunnel (Causeway Bay
Typhoon Shelter Section)
monitoring was commenced on 15 March 2011 for the land filling work for
Contract no. HY/2009/15. The proposed division of air monitoring
stations are summarized in Table 4.8 below.
Table 4.8
Monitoring Station for Contract no. HY/2009/15
Station |
Description |
CMA3a |
CWB PRE Site Office |
4.3.7. No action
or limit exceedance was recorded in this reporting quarter.
Contract no. HY/2009/19 –Central- Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel (North Point Section) and Island Eastern Corridor Link
Air monitoring at CMA1b and CMA2a have been
implemented with respect to HY/2009/19 since the marine bore piling works
started on 28 Jan 2012. No exceedance was recorded in the reporting
The proposed division of air monitoring stations is
summarized in Table 4.9 below.
4.9 Air
Monitoring Stations for Contract no. HY/2009/19
Station |
Description |
CMA1b |
Oil Street Site Office |
CMA2a |
Causeway Bay Community Centre |
4.3.10. No action
or limit exceedance was recorded in this reporting quarter.
Contract no. HK/2009/01 - Wan Chai Development
Phase II – Central –Wanchai Bypass at HKCEC
Water quality monitoring for Contract no. HK/2009/01 was
commenced on 23 July 2010. The proposed division of water monitoring stations
is summarized in Table 4.10 below.
Water quality monitoring station RW21-P789 has been
implemented with respect to HK/2009/02 started on 29 July 2013.
Table 4.10 Water Monitoring Stations for Contract no. HK/2009/01
Ref. |
Location |
Easting |
Northing |
Cooling Water Intake |
C1 |
Extension |
835885.6 |
816223.0 |
water monitoring stations for the dredging works under Contract No. HK/2009/01
should also include WSD9, WSD17, WSD 21 and C5 if water quality monitoring at
these locations have not been carried out by others. Similarly, the water
monitoring stations for the dredging works under Contract No. HK/2009/02 should
also include WSD7, WSD9, WSD17, WSD 19, C1, C2, C3 and C4 if water quality
monitoring at these locations have not been carried out by others.
and WSD20 water quality monitoring were temporarily suspended since 27 Apr
C3 C4e and C4w water quality monitoring station was temporarily suspended since
24 Apr 2013
Contract no. HK/2009/02 - Wan Chai Development Wan
Chai Development Phase II – Central – Wan Chai Bypass at WanChai East
quality monitoring for Contract no. HK/2009/02 was commenced on 8 July 2010.
The proposed division of water monitoring stations is summarized in Table
4.11 below.
Table 4.11 Water Monitoring Stations for Contract no. HK/2009/02
Ref. |
Location |
Easting |
Northing |
WSD Salt Water Intake |
WSD9 |
Tai Wan |
837921.0 |
818330.0 |
WSD17 |
Quarry Bay |
839790.3 |
817032.2 |
Cooling Water Intake |
C1 |
Extension |
835885.6 |
816223.0 |
Cooling Water Intake |
RW21-P789 |
Great Eagle Centre/ Sun Hung Kai Centre/CWB |
836268.0 |
816020.0 |
water monitoring stations for the dredging works under Contract No. HK/2009/01
should also include WSD9, WSD17, WSD 21 and C5 if water quality monitoring at
these locations have not been carried out by others. Similarly, the water
monitoring stations for the dredging works under Contract No. HK/2009/02 should
also include WSD7, WSD9, WSD17, WSD 19, C1, C2, C3 and C4 if water quality
monitoring at these locations has not been carried out by others.
quality monitoring at WSD9 and WSD 17 was implemented with respect to
HK/2009/02 from 8 Feb 2012.
and C5w water quality monitoring station was temporarily suspended since 29
July 2013
water quality monitoring station was temporarily suspended since 12 March 2014
and WSD17 water quality monitoring station was temporarily suspended since 8
September 2014 flood tide.
- The
water monitoring station C1 shall be associated with Contract No. HK/2009/02
upon commencement of marine works under DP3 at WCR3 area.
no. HK/2012/08 - Wan Chai Development Phase II – Central- Wan Chai Bypass at Wan
Chai West
monitoring for Contract no. HK/2012/08 was commenced on 5 March 2013. The
proposed division of water monitoring stations are summarized in Table 4.12
Table 4.12
Water Monitoring Stations for Contract
no. HK/2012/08
Ref. |
Location |
Easting |
Northing |
WSD Salt Water Intake |
WSD19 |
Sheung Wan |
833415.0 |
816771.0 |
Cooling Water Intake |
P1 |
HKCEC Phase I |
835774.7 |
816179.4 |
P3 |
The Academy of
performing Arts |
835824.6 |
816212.0 |
P4 |
Shui on Centre |
835865.6 |
816220.0 |
P5 |
Government Buildings (Wanchai Tower /
Revenue Tower / Immigration Tower) |
835895.2 |
816215.2 |
Contract no.
HY/2009/15 - Central-Wanchai Bypass – Tunnel (Causeway Bay Typhoon Shelter
4.4.5. As the removal of reclamation work
of TS1 at CBTS has been completed, all procedures have been rectified and
complied with the conditions set in EP-356/2009 and FEP-04/356/2009.
Due to the presence of obstacle within the inner silt curtain frame at
sampling point, water quality point at C7 was finely adjusted to the outside of
the inner silt curtain frame since 29 Dec 2012.
Due to the commencement of the
maintenance dredging on 10 November 2010, water quality monitoring for Contract
no. HY/2009/15 was commenced on 9 November 2010. The proposed division of water
monitoring stations is
summarized in Table 4.13 below.
Table 4.13 Water Monitoring Stations for Contract no.
Ref. |
Location |
Easting |
Northing |
Cooling Water Intake |
C7 |
House |
837193.7 |
816150.0 |
Remarks: - The cessation of seawater intake operation for C6
was confirmed on 17 May 2011, the water monitoring at C6 was then terminated
since 17 May 2011.
Contract no. HY/2009/19 – Central- Wan Chai Bypass
Tunnel (North Point Section) and Island Eastern Corridor Link
4.4.8. Due to the
commencement of the marine bored piling on 28 Jan 2012, water quality
monitoring for Contract no. HY/2009/19 was commenced on 28 Jan 2012.
As confirmed by CWB RSS, the marine pilling works under contract
HY/2009/19 was confirmed completed by 4 March 2013. The water quality monitoring at the
respective monitoring stations C8 and C9 were temporarily suspended since 30
March 2013.
Based on the joint inspection on 4 Jan 2012 for the NPR area, the 4-week
water quality monitoring at WSD9, WSD10, WSD15, WSD17, C8, C9 to confirm no
water deterioration with respect to NPR was commenced since 7 Jan 2012 and it
was completed on 6 February 2012.
Water quality monitoring at WSD10 and WSD15 was temporary suspended
while water quality monitoring at WSD9 and WSD17 was implemented with respect
to HK/2009/02 from 8 Feb 12 onwards;
Water quality monitoring at C8 and C9 have been implemented with respect
to HY/2009/19 since the marine bore piling work started on 28 Jan 12.
Based on the safety concern when external façade refurbishment was
conducted by contractor employed by Provident Center (C9) between 9 January
2012 to 30 July 2012 which caused to the inaccessibility of sampling either
land and marine since 3 Feb 2012, there is a fine adjustment of the sampling
location of water quality monitoring at C9 since 10 March 2012 to the closest
accessible point prior to the completion of the external façade refurbishment
With respect to the trial dredging at WCR2 was scheduled on 20, 22, 24,
25 March and 1, 3 , 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 20 Apr and 3 May 2012, on-going water
quality monitoring results at WSD21 during this period was checked and
indicated that there was no contribution due to the trial dredging
operation. Enhanced review of water quality around WCR2 was also
implemented and no deterioration in the water quality was observed.
4.4.16. Due to the access of water monitoring station at WSD19 was blocked
by LCSD construction works from 3 April 2012 to 2 May 2012 and lead to the
inaccessibility of sampling either land and marine, there is a fine adjustment
of the sampling point of WSD 19 since 5 April 2012 to the closest accessible
point prior to the completion of the construction activities.
4.4.17. Due to the dredging works for Cross Harbour Water Mains from
Wan Chai to Tsim Sha Tsui- DP6 was completed on 26 March 2012, the temporary
suspension of impact water quality monitoring at WSD7 and WSD20 after 27 April
2012 for the water quality monitoring at WSD7 and WSD20 have been monitored for
4-week period after the completion of DP6 to confirm no water deterioration.
per the meeting with the representative of Excelsior Hotel and World Trade
Centre on 17 May 2011, they confirmed that the seawater intake for The
Excelsior was no longer in use and replaced by the connected permanent water
supply from WSD pipelines since 11 January 2011. Thus, the impact water quality
monitoring for the cooling intake - C6 was terminated effective from 26 May
24 hours
monitoring of turbidity at the cooling water intakes at C7 was conducted. With respect to the seawall collapsing at TS4 on 17 November 2011, the
24 hours turbidity monitoring and was kept in November 2011. Since the reinstating
the seawall was completed on 13 January 2012 and no any water deterioration was
performed, 24 hour turbidity monitoring was then suspended on 27 January 2012.
enhanced water quality monitoring at C6, C7, Ex-WPCWA-SW and Ex-WPCWA-SE was
commenced on 13 January 2011.
monitoring results measured in this reporting period are reviewed and
summarized in Table
4.14. Details of water quality
monitoring results and graphical presentation can be referred in Appendix 4.3.
Table 4.14 Summary of Water Quality Monitoring Exceedances in Reporting period
Contract no. |
Water Monitoring Station |
Mid-flood |
Mid-ebb |
DO |
Turbidity |
SS |
DO |
Turbidity |
SS |
AL |
LL |
AL |
LL |
AL |
LL |
AL |
LL |
AL |
LL |
AL |
LL |
HK/2009/01 & HK/2009/02 |
C1 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
1 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
HK/2012/08 |
WSD19 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
1 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
2 |
3 |
1 |
0 |
P1 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
P3 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
P4 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
P5 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
HK/2009/02 |
RW21-P789 |
0 |
0 |
2 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
HY/2009/15 &
HY/2010/08 |
C7 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Total |
0 |
0 |
2 |
2 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
2 |
3 |
1 |
0 |
and WSD17 were implemented with respect to HK/2009/02 from 8 Feb 2012.
water quality monitoring at WSD9, WSD10, WSD15, WSD17, C8 and C9 were completed
on 6 Feb 2012.
and C9 were implemented with respect to HY/2009/19 from 28 Jan 2012.
& C9 was temporary suspended on 30 March 2013 due to the marine works for
Contract no. HY/2009/19 had been completed on 4 March 2013
and WSD20 were temporarily suspended from 27 Apr 2012
C3 C4e and C4w water quality monitoring station was temporarily suspended since
24 Apr 2013
and C5w water quality monitoring station was temporarily suspended since 29
July 2013
water quality monitoring station was temporarily suspended since 12 March 2014
responsibility of silt screen C1, WSD19, P3, P4 and P5 are under Contract
and WSD17 water quality monitoring station was temporarily suspended since 8
September 2014 flood tide.
quality monitoring for Windsor House Cooling (Station Ref: C7) was temporarily
suspended since 22 October 2014 with respect to the diversion scheme and was
resumed since 22 December 2014.
The water monitoring station
C1 shall be associated with Contract No. HK/2009/02 upon commencement of marine
works under DP3 at WCR3 area.
There were 4 action level and 4 limit level exceedances of turbidity
recorded in March reporting month. Investigation found that the exceedances
were not related to Project works.
There were no action level and limit level exceedance recorded in April reporting
There was no action and 1 limit level of turbidity exceedance, and 1
action and no limit level of suspended solid exceedance recorded in May
reporting month. Investigation found that the exceedances were not related to
Project works.
DO monitoring at 4 monitoring stations in Causeway Bay Typhoon Shelter and
Ex-Public Cargo Works Area was conducted three days per week during the
reporting period. The action and limit level exceedances of water quality
monitoring are summarized in Table 4.15.
Table 4.15
Summary of Enhanced Dissolved Oxygen Monitoring Exceedances in
Reporting period
no. |
Monitoring Station |
Mid-flood |
Mid-ebb |
DO |
DO |
AL |
LL |
AL |
LL |
HY/2009/15 |
C6 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
C7 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
SW |
0 |
0 |
0 |
3 |
SE |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Total |
0 |
0 |
0 |
3 |
There were no action level and limit level exceedance of enhanced
dissolved oxygen recorded in March reporting month.
There were no action level and 1 limit level exceedance of enhanced
dissolved oxygen recorded in April reporting month. Investigation found that
the exceedance was not related to the Project works.
There were no action level and 2 limit level exceedances of enhanced
dissolved oxygen recorded in May reporting month. Investigation found that the
exceedance was not related to the Project works.
found that the exceedances are not related to the Project works. Details of graphical presentation can be
referred in Appendix 4.3.
In response to the Condition 2.18 of the Environmental Permit no.
EP-356/2009 requiring that a silt curtain / impermeable barrier system be
installed to channel water discharge flow from Culvert L to locations outside
the embayment area, a proposed replacement of the requirement with additional
dissolved oxygen monitoring has been conducted at three monitoring stations,
namely A, B and C between the eastern seawall of Central Reclamation Phase III
and the HKCEC Extension since November 2011 under EP-356/2009 so that DO level
between the eastern seawall of Central Reclamation Phase II and the HKCEC
extension could be continuously monitored.
With respect to the commencement of dredging works under HK/2012/08 and
the installation of MTR precast protection unit, the enhanced water quality
monitoring for Culvert L was temporarily suspended since 24 July 2013
With respect to the commencement of temporary reclamation works and
seawall construction at Ex-PCWAW zone and diverted culvert extension, the
location of the Enhance DO monitoring stations (Ex-PCWASW and Ex-PCWA SE) were
finely adjusted to the PCWAE since 7 November 2014.
Contract no. HK/2009/01 - Wan Chai Development
Phase II – Central –Wanchai Bypass at HKCEC
4.5.1. No Inert C&D waste and
non-inert C&D waste was
disposed of for the site works in this reporting period. Details of the waste
flow table are summarized in Table 4.16.
Table 4.16 Details of Waste Disposal for Contract no. HK/2009/01
Waste Type |
Quantity this quarter |
Cumulative Quantity-to-Date |
Disposal / Dumping Grounds |
Inert C&D materials disposed, m3 |
62116.405 |
TKO137, TM38 |
Inert C&D materials recycled, m3 |
5856.5 |
N/A |
Non-inert C&D materials disposed, m3 |
1673.69 |
SENT Landfill |
Non-inert C&D materials recycled, kg |
203993 |
N/A |
Chemical waste disposed, kg |
10250 |
N/A |
Marine Sediment (Type 1 – Open Sea Disposal)
, m3 |
NIL (Bulk Volume) |
97428.2 (Bulk Volume) |
South of Cheung Chau |
Marine Sediment (Type 1 – Open Sea Disposal
(Dedicate Sites) & Type 2 – Confined Marine Disposal) , m3 |
NIL (Bulk Volume) |
52250 (Bulk Volume) |
East of Cha Chau |
Dredged Sediment Requiring Type 3 – Special Treatment / Disposal contained in
Geosynthetic Containers |
NIL (Bulk Volume) |
6773 (Bulk Volume) |
East of Cha Chau |
4.5.2. There were no Marine Sediment (Type 1 –
Open Sea Disposal) and no Marine Sediment
(Type 1- Open Sea Disposal (Dedicate Sites) & Type 2- Confined Marine
Disposal) disposed of in this reporting quarter.
Contract no. HK/2009/02 - Wan Chai Development
Phase II – Central – Wan Chai Bypass at WanChai East
4.5.3. No Inert and non-inert C&D waste were disposed of for the
site works in this reporting period. Details of the waste flow table are
summarized in Table 4.17.
4.17 Details of Waste Disposal for Contract no. HK/2009/02
Waste Type |
Quantity this quarter |
Cumulative Quantity-to-Date |
Disposal / Dumping Grounds |
Inert C&D materials disposed, m3 |
276075.1 |
TKO137/ TM 38 |
Inert C&D materials recycled, m3 |
18161 |
N/A |
Non-inert C&D materials disposed, m3 |
1515.103 |
SENT Landfill |
Non-inert C&D materials recycled, m3 |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
Chemical waste disposed, kg |
13860 |
SENT Landfill |
Marine Sediment (Type 1 – Open Sea
Disposal), m3 * |
1996 |
243815 (Bulk volume) |
South of Cheung Chau |
Marine Sediment (Type 1 – Open Sea Disposal
(Dedicate Sites) & Type 2 – Confined Marine Disposal), m3 * |
0 |
150873 (Bulk volume) |
East of Sha Chau |
* Remarks:
Contractor clarified the quantity of marine sediment – type 1 open sea disposal
for February 2015 reporting month was 3331m3 and the quantity of
marine sediment – type 1 open sea disposal (Dedicate Sites) & Type 2-
confined marine disposal for February 2015 reporting month was 521m3,
hence the cumulative quantity is updated in March reporting month.
4.5.4. There were Marine Sediment (Type 1 –
Open Sea Disposal) and no Marine
Sediment (Type 1- Open Sea Disposal (Dedicate Sites) & Type 2- Confined
Marine Disposal) disposed of in this reporting quarter.
Contract no. HY/2009/15 -
Central-Wanchai Bypass – Tunnel (Causeway Bay Typhoon Shelter Section)
4.5.5. No inert and non-inert C&D waste were disposed of for the site works
in this reporting period. Details of the waste flow table are summarized in Table
4.18 Details of Waste Disposal for Contract no. HY/2009/15
Waste Type |
Quantity this quarter |
Cumulative Quantity-to-Date |
Disposal / Dumping Grounds |
Remarks |
Inert C&D materials disposed, m3 |
141579.2 |
Tuen Mun Area 38 |
65216 |
TKO137 FB |
Inert C&D materials recycled, m3 |
304 |
111.9 |
TS4 |
Non-inert C&D materials disposed, m3 |
252.2 |
SENT Landfill |
Non-inert C&D materials recycled, kg |
299361.5 |
N/A |
Chemical waste disposed, kg |
8,200 |
N/A |
Marine Sediment (Type 1 – Open Sea Disposal)
, m3 |
1090 |
126298 (Bulk Volume) |
South of Cheung Chau |
Dredging from TCBR1E /
TCBR1W / TCBR2/ TCBR3 / TCBR4 / Maintenance dredging |
Marine Sediment (Type 1 – Open Sea Disposal
(Dedicate Sites) & Type 2 – Confined Marine Disposal) , m3 |
1330 |
288615 (Bulk Volume) |
East of Sha Chau |
Dredging from TCBR1E /
TCBR1W / TCBR2/ TCBR3 / TCBR4 / Maintenance dredging |
Marine Sediment (Type 3 – Special Treatment
/ Disposal contained in Geosynthetic Containers) |
12640 (Bulk Volume) |
East of Sha Chau |
Dredging from TCBR1W /
Maintenance dredging |
Marine Sediment (Type 2 – Confined Marine
Disposal), m3 |
NIL (Bulk Volume) |
9350 (Bulk Volume) |
East of Sha Chau |
Dredging from Eastern Breakwater
of CBTS |
Marine Sediment (Type 1 – Open Sea Disposal)
, m3 |
NIL (Bulk Volume) |
600 (Bulk Volume) |
East Sha Chau / South
of The Brothers |
Dredging from Phase 3
Mooring Re-arrangement |
Marine Sediment (Type 2– Confined Marine Disposal)
, m3 |
NIL (Bulk Volume) |
14,780 (Bulk Volume) |
South of The Brothers |
Dredging from Phase 3
Mooring Re-arrangement |
Marine Sediment (Type 3
– Special Treatment / Disposal contained in Geosynehetic Containers)
, m3 |
NIL (Bulk Volume) |
2,760 (Bulk Volume) |
South of The Brothers |
Dredging from Phase 3
Mooring Re-arrangement |
4.5.6. There was Marine Sediment (Type 1 – Open Sea
Disposal) and Marine Sediment (Type 1 – Open Sea Disposal (Dedicate Sties)
& Type 2 – Confined Marine Disposal) disposed in this reporting quarter.
no. HY/2009/19 – Central- WanChai Bypass Tunnel (North Point Section) and
Island Eastern Corridor Link
4.5.7. No Inert and non-inert C&D waste were disposed
of in this reporting quarter
Table 4.19 Details of Waste
Disposal for Contract no. HY/2009/19
Waste Type |
Quantity this month |
Quantity-to-Date |
Disposal / Dumping Grounds |
Inert C&D materials disposed, m3 |
355921.04 |
TM38 |
Inert C&D materials
recycled, m3 |
59367 |
N/A |
Non-inert C&D materials disposed, m3 |
1068.6 |
N/A |
Non-inert C&D materials recycled, kg |
333.14 |
N/A |
Chemical waste disposed, L |
2.12 |
N/A |
Marine Sediment (Type 1 – Open Sea Disposal), m3 |
162 |
South Cheung Chau |
Marine Sediment (Type 2 – Confined Marine Disposal) , m3 |
681 |
East Sha Chau |
Marine Sediment (Type 1 – Open Sea Disposal (Dedicate Sites) &
Type 2 – Confined Marine Disposal) , m3 |
4976.00 |
N/A |
4.5.8. There were no marine sediments Type1- Open Sea
Disposal and there were no Type 1 – Open Sea Disposal (Dedicate Sites) &
Type 2 – Confined Marine Disposal in this reporting quarter.
no. HK/2012/08 –Wan Chai Development Phase II – Central- Wan Chai Bypass at Wan
Chai West
4.5.9. Inert C&D waste were disposed of in this
reporting quarter. Details of the waste flow table are summarized in Table 4.20.
4.20 Details of Waste Disposal for Contract no. HK/2012/08
Waste Type |
Quantity this month |
Cumulative Quantity-to-Date |
Disposal / Dumping Grounds |
Inert C&D materials disposed, m3 |
245 |
4131 |
TM38 |
Inert C&D materials recycled, m3 |
N/A |
Non-inert C&D materials disposed, m3 * |
315 |
N/A |
Non-inert C&D materials recycled, kg |
N/A |
Chemical waste disposed, L |
N/A |
Marine Sediment (Type 1 – Open Sea Disposal),
m3 * |
NIL (Bulk volume) |
31759 (Bulk volume) |
South of Cheung Chau |
Marine Sediment (Type 1 – Open Sea Disposal (Dedicate Sites) &
Type 2 – Confined Marine Disposal) , m3 * |
NIL (Bulk volume) |
108485 (Bulk volume) |
South of The Brothers (from 27 Aug 2013 onwards) |
4.5.10. No Marine Sediment (Type 1 – Open Sea Disposal) and no
marine sediment Type 1 – Open Sea Disposal (Dedicate Sites) & Type 2 –
Confined Marine Disposal generated disposed in this reporting quarter.
no. HY/2010/08 –Central - Wan Chai Bypass (CWB) –Tunnel (Slip Road 8)
4.5.11. No Inert C&D waste and non-inert C&D waste
were disposed in this reporting period. Details of the waste flow table are
summarized in Table 4.21
Table 4.21 Details of Waste Disposal for Contract no. HY/2010/08
Waste Type |
Quantity this month |
Cumulative Quantity-to-Date |
Disposal / Dumping Grounds |
Inert C&D materials disposed, m3 |
1119711.3 |
119711.3 |
N/A |
Inert C&D materials recycled, m3 |
N/A |
Non-inert C&D materials disposed, m3 |
N/A |
Non-inert C&D materials recycled, kg |
N/A |
Chemical waste disposed, L |
N/A |
Marine Sediment (Type 1 – Open Sea Disposal) |
710 |
55290 |
South Cheung Chau |
Marine Sediment (Type 1 – Open Sea Disposal (Dedicate Sites) & Type
2 – Confined Marine disposal) |
27760 |
Brothers Island |
Marine Sediment (Type 3 – Special Treatment) |
7780 |
Brothers Island |
4.5.12. There were Marine Sediment (Type 1 – Open Sea
Disposal) disposed in this reporting quarter and no Marine Sediment (Type 3 – Special
Treatment) and marine sediment Type 1 – Open Sea Disposal (Dedicate Sites)
& Type 2 – Confined Marine Disposal generated disposed in this reporting quarter.
5.0.1. The Event Action Plan for construction noise, air
quality and water quality are presented in Appendix 5.1.
5.1.1 No action and limit level exceedance was recorded
in March reporting period.
5.1.2 One limit level exceedance was recorded
on 21 April 2015 at M6 – HK Baptist Church Henrietta Secondary School in April
reporting month. Investigations found that on 21 April 2015, traffic noise was
the major contribution in the noise monitoring and exceedance was not related
to the Project.
5.1.3 Two limit level exceedances were
recorded on 5 and 27 May 2015 at M6 – HK Baptist Church Henrietta Secondary
School in May reporting month. Investigations found that on 5 May 2015 and 27
May 2015, IEC bridge deck saw cutting works were the major contribution in the
noise monitoring and exceedance were related to the Project works.
5.1.4 Noise monitoring results measured in this reporting
period are reviewed and summarized.
Details of graphical presentation can be referred in Appendix 4.1.
5.2.1 No project related exceedances were
recorded in March, April and May reporting month at RTN2a-Hong Kong Electric
Centre during this reporting quarter.
of real time noise monitoring results and graphical presentation can be
referred to Appendix 4.2
5.3.1 No action or limit exceedance was recorded in 1-hr
TSP and 24-hrs TSP monitoring in this reporting quarter.
summary of water quality exceedances recorded in reporting period is presented
in the Table 5.1 and Table 5.2.
Table 5.1 Summary of Water Quality Monitoring Exceedances in
Reporting period
no. |
Monitoring Station |
Mid-flood |
Mid-ebb |
DO |
Turbidity |
SS |
DO |
Turbidity |
SS |
AL |
LL |
AL |
LL |
AL |
LL |
AL |
LL |
AL |
LL |
AL |
LL |
HK/2009/01 &
HK/2009/02 |
C1 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
1 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
HK/2012/08 |
WSD19 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
1 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
2 |
3 |
1 |
0 |
P1 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
P3 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
P4 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
P5 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
HK/2009/02 |
RW21-P789 |
0 |
0 |
2 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
HY/2009/15 & HY/2010/08 |
C7 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Total |
0 |
0 |
2 |
2 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
2 |
3 |
1 |
0 |
The cessation of seawater intake operation for
C6 was confirmed on 17 May 2011, the water monitoring at C6 was then terminated
since 17 May 2011.
WSD9 and WSD17 were implemented with respect to
HK/2009/02 from 8 Feb 2012.
4-week water quality monitoring at WSD9, WSD10, WSD15, WSD17, C8 and C9
were completed on 6 Feb 2012.
C8 and C9 were implemented with respect to HY/2009/19 from 28 Jan 2012.
C8 & C9 was temporary suspended on 30 March 2013 due to the marine
works for Contract no. HY/2009/19 had been completed on 4 March 2013
WSD7 and WSD20 were temporary suspended since 27 April 2012
C2, C3 C4e and C4w
water quality monitoring station was temporarily suspended since 24 Apr 2013
and C5w water quality monitoring station was temporarily suspended since 29
July 2013
water quality monitoring station was temporarily suspended since 12 March 2014
responsibility of silt screen C1, WSD19, P3, P4 and P5 are under Contract
and WSD17 water quality monitoring station was temporarily suspended since 8
September 2014 flood tide.
quality monitoring for Windsor House Cooling (Station Ref: C7) was temporarily
suspended since 22 October 2014 with respect to the diversion scheme and was
resumed since 22 December 2014
The water monitoring station
C1 shall be associated with Contract No. HK/2009/02 upon commencement of marine
works under DP3 at WCR3 area.
There were 4 action level and 4 limit level exceedances of turbidity
recorded in March reporting month. Investigation found that the exceedances
were not related to Project works.
There were no action level and limit level exceedance recorded in April reporting
5.4.4. There was no action and 1 limit level of
turbidity exceedance, and 1 action and no limit level of suspended solid
exceedance recorded in May reporting month. Investigation found that the
exceedances were not related to Project works.
Table 5.2
Summary of Enhanced Dissolved
Oxygen Monitoring Exceedances in Reporting period
Contract no. |
Water Monitoring Station |
Mid-flood |
Mid-ebb |
DO |
DO |
AL |
LL |
AL |
LL |
HY/2009/15 |
C6 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
C7 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
3 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Total |
0 |
0 |
0 |
3 |
5.4.5. There were no action level and limit
level exceedance of enhanced dissolved oxygen recorded in March reporting
5.4.6. There were no action level and 1 limit
level exceedance of enhanced dissolved oxygen recorded in April reporting month.
Investigation found that the exceedance was not related to the Project works.
5.4.7. There were no action level and 2 limit
level exceedances of enhanced dissolved oxygen recorded in May reporting month.
Investigation found that the exceedance was not related to the Project works.
5.5.1. There was no non-compliance from the site audits in
the reporting period. During environmental site inspections conducted during
the reporting period, minor deficiencies were noted.
There was no non-compliance from the site audits in the reporting
There was no particular action taken since no
project-related non-compliance was recorded from the site audits in March and
April reporting months.
One limit level exceedance was recorded on 5 May 2015 at noise
monitoring station M6- HK Baptist Church Henrietta Secondary School and was
considered in relation to IEC bridge deck saw cutting works under
HY/2009/19.Following the Event and Action Plan, additional noise monitoring was
conducted and a proposal for remediation measures was submitted by the
Contractor. Rectification measures including provision of noise barrier for saw
cutting works was committed by the Contractor at the concerned construction
works was completed on the same date as confirmed by RSS and no further
exceedances was recorded during additional monitoring.
One limit level exceedance was recorded on 27 May 2015 at noise
monitoring station M6- HK Baptist Church Henrietta Secondary School and was
considered in relation to IEC bridge deck saw cutting works under HY/2009/19.
Following the Event and Action Plan, additional noise monitoring was conducted
and a proposal for remediation measures was submitted by the Contractor.
Rectification measures including provision of additional noise barrier for saw
cutting works was implemented by the Contractor and no further exceedance was
recorded during additional monitoring.
6.0.1. No environmental complaint received in March, April
and May reporting months.
The details of cumulative complaint
log and summary of complaints are presented in Appendix
6.0.3. Cumulative statistic on complaints and successful
prosecutions are summarized in Table 6.1 and Table 6.2 respectively.
Table 6.1 Cumulative Statistics on Complaints
Reporting Period |
No. of Complaints |
Commencement works
(Mar 2010) to last reporting period |
35 |
March 2015 - May 2015 |
0 |
Project-to-Date |
35 |
Table 6.2 Cumulative Statistics on Successful
Environmental Parameters |
Cumulative No. Brought Forward |
No. of Successful Prosecutions this quarter (Offence Date) |
Cumulative No. Project-to-Date |
Air |
- |
0 |
0 |
Noise |
- |
0 |
0 |
Water |
- |
0 |
0 |
Waste |
- |
0 |
0 |
Total |
- |
0 |
0 |
7.0.1. According
to Condition 3.4 of the EP-356/2009, this section addresses the relevant
cumulative construction impact due to the concurrent activities of the current
projects including the Central Reclamation Phase III, Central-Wanchai Bypass
and Island Eastern Corridor Link projects.
7.0.2. According
to the Final EM&A Report of Central Reclamation Phase III (CRIII) for
Contract HK 12/02, the major construction activities were completed by end of
January 2014 and no construction activities were undertaken thereafter and the
water quality monitoring was completed in October 2011 and no Project-related exceedance
was recorded for air and noise monitoring.
It can be concluded that cumulative construction impact due to the
concurrent activities of the current projects with the Central Reclamation
Phase III (CRIII) was insignificant.
According to the construction programme of Central-Wanchai Bypass at
Wanchai West at the Central Reclamation Phase III area, removal of L-shape wall
and installation of caisson seawall were performed in this reporting quarter. As no project related exceedance were
recorded during the reporting period, cumulative construction impact due to the
concurrent activities of the current projects with the Central Reclamation
Phase III (CRIII) was considered as insignificant.
According to the construction programme of Wan Chai Development Phase
II, Central-Wan Chai Bypass and Island Eastern Corridor Link projects, the
major construction activities under Wan Chai Development Phase II were marine
works at HKCEC area, tunnel works and foundation works at Wan Chai East and
temporary reclamation at Wan Chai West. The major construction activities under
Central-Wan Chai Bypass and Island Eastern Corridor Link Projects were bridge
construction and road works at Central Interchange, land based bored pilling
works and ELS works at Victoria Park, D- wall construction and ELS at TS3, IEC
demolition and tunnel works at North Point area in this reporting quater.
7.0.5. No significant air impact from
construction activities was anticipated in the reporting month. Besides, no
project related exceedance was recorded during the air and noise environmental
monitoring events in the reporting month. Thus, it is evaluated that the
cumulative construction impact from the concurrent projects including Central
Reclamation Phase III (CRIII), Wan Chai Development Phase II (WDII),
Central-WanChai Bypass (CWB), Island Eastern Corridor Link projects (IECL) was
8.0.1. The EM&A programme was carried out in
accordance with the EM&A Manual requirements, minor alterations to the
programme proposed were made in response to changing circumstances.
8.0.2. No non-compliance was noted and no
prosecution was received during the March and April reporting month.
8.0.3. Two limit level exceedances at M6 – HK
Baptist Church Henrietta Secondary School were recorded on 5 and 27 May 2015 in
May reporting month. The exceedance were concluded as related to Project works.
Rectification measures was implemented by the Contractor and no further
exceedances were recorded during additional monitoring.
8.0.4. The construction programmes
of individual contracts are provided in Appendix 8.1.