EM&A Data Results for Project
Noise Monitoring Results

Baseline monitoring for noise shall be carried out at designated monitoring stations over a continuous period of at least two weeks in order to establish ambient conditions prior to the commencement of any construction works. Leq (30 minutes) shall be used as the monitoring parameter for the time period between 0700 and 1900 hours on normal weekdays. For all other time periods, Leq (5 minutes) shall be employed for comparison with the Noise Control Ordinance (NCO) criteria.

Impact monitoring shall be carried out at all the designated monitoring stations. The monitoring frequency shall depend on the scale of the construction activities. The following is an initial guide on the regular monitoring frequency for each station on a weekly basis when noise generating activities are underway:

- one set of measurements between 0700 and 1900 hours on normal weekdays.  


Real-time on-site monitoring system of the noise level around the works sites at North Point and Tin Hau areas should be carried out during the construction phase. Noise monitoring is automatically conducted for 24 house a day. Data will be logged and transmitted to a central office though the use of communication hardware and software

Click here to view the baseline results
Click here to view the impact results
Click here to view the real-time results  (1/6 FEHD Hong Kong Transport Section Whitefield Depot Façade maintenance)
Water Quality Monitoring Results
Baseline monitoring for water quality is required to establish ambient conditions prior to the commencement of the dredging works and to demonstrate the suitability of the proposed monitoring stations. The measurements should be taken at all designated monitoring stations, 3 days per week, at mid-flood and mid-ebb tides, for at least 4 weeks prior to the commencement of dredging works. Any marine construction works should be avoided in the vicinity of the stations during the baseline monitoring. The interval between 2 sets of monitoring should not be less than 36 hours. Duplicate in-situ measurements and water sampling should be carried out in each sampling event. For selection of tides of in-situ measurement and water sampling, tidal range of individual flood and ebb tides should be not less than 0.5m.

During the course of marine constructions works, monitoring shall be undertaken 3 days per week, at both mid-ebb and mid-flood tides, with sampling/measurement at the designated monitoring stations.

Click here to view the baseline results
Click here to view the impact results
Air Monitoring Results

Baseline monitoring shall be carried out at all of the designated monitoring locations for at least 14 consecutive days prior to the commissioning of the construction works to obtain daily 24-hour TSP samples. The selected baseline monitoring stations should reflect baseline conditions at the impact stations. One-hour sampling should also be done at least 3 times per day while the highest dust impact is expected.

Impact monitoring shall be carried out during the course of the Works. For regular impact monitoring, the sampling frequency of at least once in every six-days, shall be strictly observed at all the monitoring stations for 24-hour TSP monitoring. For 1-hour TSP monitoring, the sampling frequency of at least three times in every six-days should be undertaken when the highest dust impact occurs.

Click here to view the baseline results
Click here to view the impact results


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